- tissue specific analysis computational time decreased by 50%
by dropping the creation of dataframe and using a simple numpy array
inside ANOVA.anova_one_drug_one_feature
- Creation of volcano plots uses pure javascript for the data packages
and the creation of the volcano plots was dramatically sped up by a
factor between 10 and 100e. One can still create volcano plot manually
in pure matplotlib.
- Similarly, boxplots for tissue, MSI and all associations are now
created using JS.
- Data packages have been refactored. The major difference concerns
the HTML layout (most HTML files are now in the sub-directory
called associations) so that is it cleaner at the top level. The volcano
plots are not in PNG format anymore but pure HTML/JS, which can be
exported manually. The consequences is that the creation of data
packages is 10 times faster.
- The standalone application had 2 options removed: --feature (alone)
and --fast options
- Drug Identifier are now handled as pure integer. For back
compatibility, old files that mix up IC50 and Genomic Features (e.g. v17
data) are still interpreted; the DRUG ID in that case are written as
Drug_ID_IC50 and are transformed as just <ID> everywhere.
- associations output were named 1.html, 2.html... and are now named
a1.html, a2.html...
- Because DRUG_ID are now integer and all HTML stored in the same directory
the naming of the HTML files have been altered (e.g., associations starts
- Report now accepts only one argument (the anova isntance). Second
argument (results) is now optional. If not provided, ANOVA are computed on
the fly
- Multicore module removed but ANOVA.anova_all has multicore option. This
seems to work on Linux systems. Not tested on windows or MacOsX
- IC50 may have duplicated drug ids (at different concentrations). Not good
practice but that the format of e.g. v18, v19 IC50 files. A class
IC50Cluster was created to interepret those files. ANOVA will switch to
IC50Cluster automatically if there are duplicated files.
- Settings: low_memory option has been removed