
Latest version: v8.26.0

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- simplify write_sparameters code [PR](
- clean code [PR](
- remove unused Coord2
- move gds folder into tests/gds
- move schemas folder into tests/schemas
- move models to simulation/photonic_circuit_models
- simpler bend_s and bezier. User cross_section instead extrude_path [PR](
- simplify code structure [PR](
- rename dft folder to labels
- move write_labels from mask folder to `labels`
- delete mask folder
- fix docstrings and apply pydocstyle pre-commit hook [PRs](
- replace assert_on_2nm_grid to snap to 2nm grid [PR](
- Add tcad cross-section simulation DEVSIM plugin [PR](
- fully parametrized ridge PIN waveguide cross-section
- basic DC simulation and visualization
- example notebook, with DEVSIM installation instructions


- rename `gdsfactory/` to `gdsfactory/`
- add test to flatten_offgrid_references and include documentation in the [PDK docs](
- pdk.activate clears cache


- [PR](
- fix offgrid ports connect
- Component.copy() and Component.flatten() don't assign fixed names to the output Component which could create name collisions. It is safer to keep the new cell's default name (with UID) to prevent this. The thought is that even a copied or flattened cell should be eventually placed inside a cell function with cell decorator, which will remove the anonymous and unpredictable names (for those of us who care). And for those who don't care as much, at least they won't get dangerous side effects!
- [PR]( changes get_netlist to only mate matching port types, and also to allow excluding specified port types from being netlisted (which is useful i.e. for non-logical placement ports)
- solve add_labels.get_labels mutability issue by returning list of labels


- fix move with string [issue]( [PR](
- fix docs


- expose import_oas to and Improve docs API
- klive shows gdsfactory version
- write_cells does not use partials


- read and write OASIS files using klayout API.


- fix mpirun path [PR](
- fix model_from_csv [PR](


- pack and grid expose components ports.
- add gdsfactory/samples/ samples with unique labeling.


- Port has optional width that can get it from the cross_section
- Port does not inherit from phidl.Port. In python there should be only one obvious way to do things.
* Deprecate Port.midpoint. Use instead.
* Deprecate Port.position. Use instead.
* Deprecate Port.angle. Use Port.orientation instead.
- [fix docs issues](


- add gdsfactory.simulation.simphony.model_from_csv


- fix min_density and min_area Klayout write_drc


- add min area and min_density rules to klayout write drc deck
- upgrade phidl to 1.6.2
- lazy load matplotlib and pandas
- update tidy3d-beta from 1.4.2 to 1.5.0.
- mode_solver has
- precision: single or double.
- filter_pol: te, tm or None.


- add xoffset1 and xoffset2 to straight_heater_doped_rib
- add taper_sc_nc to docs and tests
- add gdsfactory.simulation.add_simulation_markers, as well as example in the meep FDTD docs


- rename radius to min_bend_radius in spiral_double and spiral_archimedian
- add gdsfactory/klayout/ to get cross_section script for [klayout plugin](
- add pack and grid to documentation API


- rename double_spiral to spiral_double
- fix spiral_double.
- start_angle = 0
- end_angle = 180
- rename inner_radius to radius in spiral_double and spiral_archimedian


- lazy load matplotlib. Related to [issue](
- make port.orientation None marker to be a cross.
- add settings label can ignore settings
- better message for symlinks in `gf tool install`
- fix write_cells code. Add a test.
- better mutability error message [fix issue](
- add [YouTube Video link]( to docs


- add klayout python cross_section scripts
- improve klayout drc decks. Add deep, tiled and default modes.
- add klayout drc and simulation docs API


- fix simphony MZI model for montecarlo simulations [PR](
- add simphony montecarlo variability examples


- add extension_port_names to extend_ports [PR](
- fix ring single simphony example [PR](


- add `gdsfactory.simulation.gtidy3d.modes.WaveguideCoupler`


- add `gdsfactory.simulation.gtidy3d.modes.group_index`
- add `gdsfactory.simulation.gtidy3d.modes.sweep_width`
- add `gdsfactory.simulation.gtidy3d.modes.plot_sweep_width`


- get_sparameters_meep_mpi runs the mpirun command asynchronously. Direct stdout and stderr to a log file and console. [PR](
- It can't replace the current Popen call, as it doesn't handle the case of wait_to_finish=False, so it won't work with the get_sparameters_meep_batch code as-is.


- rename get_effective_index to get_effective_indices and add 2.5D FDTD demo
- [fix issue](


- better docstrings with autodoc_typehints = "description"
- improve meep plugin.
- remove port_field_monitor_name parameter (no longer needed) thanks to meep 1.23 introduced to use the energy in the whole simulation to determine when to terminate, which is a better termination condition than the energy at the ports. [PR]( Requires meep 1.23 or newer.
- update termination condition for grating_coupler simulations.
- rename effective permitivity to get_effective index. Change units from meters to um, and permitivities to refractive_index to be consistent with gdsfactory units in um.
- add `gf.generate_doe` [PR](
- add add_center_section to CrossSection and cross_section for slot cross_section [PR]( [fixes](


- function to calculate_effective_permittivity [PR](
- Add MPB mode solver for cross sections [PR](


- extract generating component list for doe into a separate function for use in pack_doe and elsewhere [fixes issue](
- meep 1.23 introduced to use the energy in the whole simulation to determine when to terminate, which is a better termination condition than the energy at the ports. [PR]( Requires meep 1.23 or newer.


- layer_stack has a 2.5D information.
- fix xsection_planarized script
- add 2.5 info to generic.


- remove `gf.simulation.gtidy3d.modes.find_modes`, add cache and filepath to Waveguide
- remove many default parameters from `Waveguide`
- replace from pickle to np.savez_compressed()
- replace `from tqdm import tqdm` to `from import tqdm`
- add Optional refractive_index to LayerLevel
- add Transition to docs API
- add archimedean spiral [PR](
- add Google pydocstyle to docs/


- add opacity 0.5 for dither I1
- Fix sweep_bend_loss, overlap integral code in gtidy3d.modes [PR](
- replace Settings object in packed info by dict [PR]( fixes [issue](


- move dependencies from `pip install gdsfactory[full]` to `pip install gdsfactory`
- watchdog
- qrcode
- increase test coverage
- remove `icyaml` webapp


- better docs
- simpler gf module namespace. unexpose some functions from module
- port
- klive
- plot, quickplot, quickplot2, set_quickplot_options
- dft
- add shear angle to Port.__str__


- add pytest and pytest-regressions to requirements


- add Pdk.warn_offgrid_ports
- move optional dependencies to `pip install gdsfactory[full]`
- move sipann dependency to `pip install gdsfactory[sipann]`
- parametric layer_stack


- [PR]( fixes [issue](
- Use snap.snap_to_grid() to snap cross section points
- Warning was not being raised if only one coordinate was off-grid
- [PR]( fixes [issue]( offgrid manhattan connection gaps
- remove unused cache setting from Component.copy()
- fix phidl [issue](
- make lytest as an optional dependency


- rename triangle to triangles, to avoid conflict names with triangle module [PR](
- fix interconnect plugin notebook [PR](
- add `Pdk.grid_size = 0.001` (1nm by default)
- raise warning when extruding paths with off-grid points
- raise warning when connecting components with non-manhattan (0, 90, 180, 270) orientation


- Update and document Interconnect plugin [PR](


- simpler
- difftest response is Yes by default when there is a GDSdiff error


- improve docs.
- add conda package.
- Cover any numpy numbers in serialization [PR](
- Custom component labels in grid_with_text [PR](


- speed up module gf/ thanks to scalene python profiler


- fix documentation (add `pip install jaxlib jax`) to `make plugins`
- fix some mypy issues


- [repo improvements](
- move mypy and pytest config to pyproject.toml
- rename extension_factory to extension


- raise ValueError if no polygons to render in 3D.
- add pad ports to functions that route to electrical pads, so new Component can still access the pad ports.
- `gf.routing.add_electrical_pads_shortest`
- `gf.routing.add_electrical_pads_top`
- `gf.routing.add_electrical_pads_top_dc`
- add `gf.add_labels.add_labels_to_ports`
- add `gf.add_labels.add_labels_to_ports_electrical`
- add `gf.add_labels.add_labels_to_ports_optical`
- add `gf.add_labels.add_labels_to_ports_vertical_dc` for pads
- fix colors in Component.plot()
- add `Component.plotqt()`
- add add_port_markers and read_labels_yaml to


- quickplotter picks a random color if layer not defined in pdk.get_layer_color(). Before it was raising a ValueError.


- Use tidy3d.webapi.Batch instead of pool executor [PR](
- update to latest tidy3d==1.4.1


- replace 'bend_euler' string with function in mzi


- fix tidy3d port orientation '+' or '-'


- works with latest simphony and Sipann


- rename LayerSet to LayerColors, as it is a more intuitive name. We only use this for defining 3D and 2D plot colors.
- add Pdk attributes
- layer_stack: Optional[LayerStack] = None
- layer_colors: Optional[LayerColors] = None
- sparameters_path: PathType
- add Component.to_3d()
- add gf.pdk.get_layer_stack() for 3D rendering and simulation plugins
- gf.simulation.lumerical.write_sparameters_lumerical
- gf.simulation.gmeep.write_sparameters_meep
- gf.simulation.tidy3d.write_sparameters
- modify Component.plot() to use colors from gf.pdk.get_layer_colors()


- add doe_settings and doe_names to pack_doe and pack_doe_grid
- add with_hash setting to `gf.cell` that hashes parameters. By default `with_hash=False`, which gives meaningful name to component.
- update to tidy3d 1.4.0, add erosion, dilation and sidewall_angle_deg [PR](


- validate pdk layers after activate the pdk
- pdk layers, cells and cross_sections are an empty dict by default
- fix [spiral](


- add `SHOW_PORTS = (1, 12)` layer.
- document needed layers for the pdk.

| Layer | Purpose |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| PORT | optical port pins. For connectivity checks. |
| PORTE | electrical port pins. For connectivity checks. |
| DEVREC | device recognition layer. For connectivity checks. |
| SHOW_PORTS | add port pin markers when `` |
| LABEL_INSTANCE | for adding instance labels on `` |
| LABEL | for adding labels to grating couplers for automatic testing. |
| TE | for TE polarization fiber marker. |
| TM | for TM polarization fiber marker. |


- [PR](
- add default layers to pdk. fixes [issue](
- apply default_decorator before returning component if pdk.default_decorator is defined.
- [PR]( `show_ports=False` and use `LAYER.PORT`, fixes [issue](


- assert ports on grid works with None orientation ports.


- bring back python3.8 compatibility


- remove gf.set_active_pdk(), as we should only be using pdk.activate(), so there is only one way to activate a PDK.
- change default ComponentFactory from 'mmi2x2' string to straight componentFactory.


- bring back layer validator to ensure DEVREC, PORTE and PORT are defined in the pdk


- remove default layers dict for pdk.
- validate layers to ensure you define layers for connectivity checks (DEVREC, PORT, PORTE). Fix [comment]( Add default layers if they don't exist [PR](
- extend ports do not absorb extension references.
- fix filewatcher. Make sure it shows only components that exist.
- Prevent mutation of double-cached cells [PR](


- Allow user to specify steps or waypoints in the call to get_bundle
- Add path length matching keyword arguments to functions called by get_bundle


- Fix factory default for Pdk.layers [PR](
- Use shapely's implementation of simplify when extruding paths [PR](
- fix [issue]( with fill
- fix [issue]( where copying a cross_section, does not include `add_bbox`, `add_pins` and `decorator`


- add layers as a default empty dict for Pdk
- improve documentation
- mzi uses straight function instead of 'straight' string


- works with siepic verification [PR](
- cross_section has optional add_pins and add_bbox, which can be used for verification.
- add `cladding_layers` and `cladding_offset`.
- cladding_layers follow path shape, while bbox_layers are rectangular.
- add 2nm siepic pins and siepic DeviceRecognition layer in cladding_layers, to allow SiEPIC verification scripts.
- add `with_two_ports` to taper. False for edge couplers and terminators.
- fix ring_double_heater open in the heater top waveguide.
- Make pdk from existing pdk [PR](
- add events module and events relating to Pdk modifications [PR](
- add default_decorator attribute to Pdk. adding pdk argument to pdk-related events
- add LayerSpec as Union[int, Tuple[int,int], str, None][pr](
- add layers dict to Pdk(layers=LAYER), and `pdk.get_layer`


- add cross_section_bot and cross_section_top to mzi, fixes [issue](
- add electrical ports to heater cross_sections, fixes [issue](


- tidy3d mode solver accepts core_material and clad_material floats.
- add file cache to tidy3d to `gt.modes.find_modes`
- fix get_bundle [issue](
- clean cross-sections [PR](
- fix N/S routing in route_ports_to_side [PR](
- Add basic multilayer electrical routing to most routing functions [PR](
- Use via_corner instead of wire_corner for bend function
- Use MultiCrossSectionAngleSpec instead of CrossSectionSpec to define multiple cross sections
- Avoids refactoring as much as possible so it doesn't interfere with current single-layer routing


- improve types and docs


- add python3.6 deprecation notice in the docs [issue](
- add edge_coupler, edge_coupler_array and edge_coupler_array_with_loopback
- add python3.10 tests


- add_fiber_single and add_fiber_array tries to add port with `vertical` prefix to the new component. It not adds the regular first port. This Keeps backwards compatibility with grating couplers that have no defined vertical ports.
- rename spiral_inner_io functions


- add_port_from_marker function only allows for ports to be created parallel to the long side of the pin marker. [PR](


- fix some pydocstyle errors
- write_gds creates a new file per save
- improve filewatcher for YAML files
- add python_requires = >= 3.7 in setup.cfg


- `gf yaml watch` uses the same logging.logger
- `gf.functions.rotate` can recenter component [PR](


- copy paths when copying components [PR](
- shear face fixes [PR](
- fix some pydocstyle
- add port_orientations to gf.components.compass, if None it adds a port with None orientation


- add_fiber_array adds vertical ports to grating couplers
- add_fiber_single adds vertical ports to grating couplers. Before it was adding only loopback ports.
- import gds fixes [PR](


- fix get_labels rotation


- add `gdsfactory.simulation.tidy3d.modes.sweep_bend_radius`


- import `load_lyp`


- add `gf.dft` design for testing, test protocols example in the mask section documentation.
- fix sparameters_meep_mpi [PR](


- MaterialSpec for lumerical simulation to address [feature request](


- support ports with None orientation


- fix json schema


- expose `gf.add_pins` module instead of `add_pins` function. So you can use any of the functions inside the module.
- improve tutorial


- add `gdsdir` to write_cells CLI command
- rewrite write_cells, before it was writing some empty cells.
- add `debug=False` to add_ports_from_markers_center and remove logger output


- update tidy3d from `1.1.1` to `1.3.2`


- add `read_metadata` flag to ``
- move dashboard to experimental `requirements_exp` file, that can be install with `pip install gdsfactory[exp]`


- add `gtidy3d` mode solver


- waveguide separation in get_bundle_from_waypoints [fix](
- cell get_metadata [fix](


- `` is now a cell (no more lru cache). LRU cache was not working properly with partial functions.
- add `flatten=False` to cell and decorator
- remove flatten argument `import_gds`
- Component.to_dict() also exports component name
- revert [show changes]( as it was causing some files not to reload in klayout.


- bring back python3.7 compatibility


- add `Pdk.containers` and `Pdk.register_containers`

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