
Latest version: v8.26.0

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- add [klayout SALT package](


- add dx_start and dy_start to route ports to side [PR]( when using route_ports_to_side to route up and to the left/right, the minimum distance of the bottom route could not be less than the separation between routes. This adds options to override this behavior and use the larger of dx_start/dy_start and the radius instead.
- add suffix option to select ports [PR](
- Interconnect improvements [PR](
- fix gdsfactory meep interface, it works now with different layer stacks [PR](


- fix klive macro to maintain position and do not reload layers. Make sure you run `gf tool install` to update your macro after you update to the latest gdsfactory version.


- remove absorb from coupler ring and coupler90
- [update interconnect plugin](
- [add siepic labels to components](


- snap_to_grid straight waveguide length to reduce 1nm DRC snapping errors


- document mask metadata merging


- Component.absorb keeps paths from absorbed reference
- add port_name to ring_single_dut


- change siepic pin_length from 100nm to 10nm
- absorb maintains labels
- rename add_pins to decorator in cross_section function and class
- add add_pins_siepic_optical and add_pins_siepic_electrical
- add PORTE: Layer = (1, 11)
- remove add_pins_to_references and add_pins_container


- add package data in
- remove bend_radius from mzit


- move load_lyp_generic to try Except


- add_pin_path now works with siepic
- add add_pins_siepic in gf.add_pins
- gf.path.extrude can also add pins
- unpin `requirements.txt` [issue](


- add_pin_path fixes


- rename add_pin_square to add_pin_rectangle
- add_pin_path to gf.add_pins


- tidy3d improvements:
- get_simulation and write_sparameters accepts componentOrFactory
- grating_coupler simulations can also be dispersive


- tidy3d improvements:
- add dispersive flag in tidy3d get_simulation
- write_sparameters_batch can accept list of kwargs
- write_sparameters accepts with_all_monitors: if True, includes field monitors which increase results file size.
- add test_write_sparameters
- run tidy3d tests on every push as part of test_plugins CI/CD


- gf.components.grating_coupler_circular improvements:
- rename teeth_list by a simpler widths and gaps separate arguments
- delete grating_coupler_circular_arbitrary as it's now unnecessary
- add bias_gap
- gf.components.grating_coupler_elliptical improvements:
- add bias_gap
- fix [serialization of ports](
- extend_ports works with cross_sections that do not have layer
- `pip install gdsfactory` also installs most of the plugins
- `pip install gdsfactory[full]` only adds SIPANN (which depends on ternsorflow, which is a heavy dependency)


- tidy3d improvements:
- update to version 1.1.1
- change port angle type annotation from int to float


- tidy3d improvements:
- change tidy3d grating_coupler angle positive to be positive for the most normal case (grating coupler waveguide facing west)
- tidy3d plot simulations in 2D only shows one plot
- add cross_section to grating_coupler waveguide ports


- grating_coupler_circular does not auto_rename_ports
- simulation.tidy3d.write_sparameters_batch accepts kwargs for general simulations settings
- add simulation.tidy3d.utils print_tasks
- increase grating_coupler simulation wavelengths from 1.2 to 1.8um


- add sklearn notebook on fitting dispersive coupler model
- add sklearn to requirements_full


- add with_all_monitors=False by default to avoid storing all fields when running gtidy3d.write_sparameters_grating_coupler

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