
Latest version: v1.0.1

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Many documentation improvements and a restyled and restructured website with
a new logo (1564, 1579, 1617, 1668, 1731, 1750, 1757, 1759).

New features and improvements:

- The ``geopandas.read_file`` function now accepts more general
file-like objects (e.g. ``fsspec`` open file objects). It will now also
automatically recognize zipped files (1535).
- The ``GeoDataFrame.plot()`` method now provides access to the pandas plotting
functionality for the non-geometry columns, either using the ``kind`` keyword
or the accessor method (e.g. ``gdf.plot(kind="bar")`` or ````)
- New ``from_wkt()``, ``from_wkb()``, ``to_wkt()``, ``to_wkb()`` methods for
GeoSeries to construct a GeoSeries from geometries in WKT or WKB
representation, or to convert a GeoSeries to a pandas Seriew with WKT or WKB
values (1710).
- New ``GeoSeries.z`` attribute to access the z-coordinates of Point geometries
(similar to the existing ``.x`` and ``.y`` attributes) (1773).
- The ``to_crs()`` method now handles missing values (1618).
- Support for pandas' new ``.attrs`` functionality (1658).
- The ``dissolve()`` method now allows dissolving by no column (``by=None``) to
create a union of all geometries (single-row GeoDataFrame) (1568).
- New ``estimate_utm_crs()`` method on GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame to determine the
UTM CRS based on the bounds (1646).
- ``GeoDataFrame.from_dict()`` now accepts ``geometry`` and ``crs`` keywords
- ``GeoDataFrame.to_postgis()`` and ``geopandas.read_postgis()`` now supports
both sqlalchemy engine and connection objects (1638).
- The ``GeoDataFrame.explode()`` method now allows exploding based on a
non-geometry column, using the pandas implementation (1720).
- Performance improvement in ``GeoDataFrame/GeoSeries.explode()`` when using
the PyGEOS backend (1693).
- The binary operation and predicate methods (eg ``intersection()``,
``intersects()``) have a new ``align`` keyword which allows optionally not
aligning on the index before performing the operation with ``align=False``
- The ``GeoDataFrame.dissolve()`` method now supports all relevant keywords of
``groupby()``, i.e. the ``level``, ``sort``, ``observed`` and ``dropna`` keywords
- The ``geopandas.overlay()`` function now accepts ``make_valid=False`` to skip
the step to ensure the input geometries are valid using ``buffer(0)`` (1802).
- The ``GeoDataFrame.to_json()`` method gained a ``drop_id`` keyword to
optionally not write the GeoDataFrame's index as the "id" field in the
resulting JSON (1637).
- A new ``aspect`` keyword in the plotting methods to optionally allow retaining
the original aspect (1512)
- A new ``interval`` keyword in the ``legend_kwds`` group of the ``plot()`` method
to control the appearance of the legend labels when using a classification
scheme (1605).
- The spatial index of a GeoSeries (accessed with the ``sindex`` attribute) is
now stored on the underlying array. This ensures that the spatial index is
preserved in more operations where possible, and that multiple geometry
columns of a GeoDataFrame can each have a spatial index (1444).
- Addition of a ``has_sindex`` attribute on the GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame to check
if a spatial index has already been initialized (1627).
- The ``geopandas.testing.assert_geoseries_equal()`` and ``assert_geodataframe_equal()``
testing utilities now have a ``normalize`` keyword (False by default) to
normalize geometries before comparing for equality (1826). Those functions
now also give a more informative error message when failing (1808).

Deprecations and compatibility notes:

- The ``is_ring`` attribute currently returns True for Polygons. In the future,
this will be False (1631). In addition, start to check it for LineStrings
and LinearRings (instead of always returning False).
- The deprecated ``objects`` keyword in the ``intersection()`` method of the
``GeoDataFrame/GeoSeries.sindex`` spatial index object has been removed

Bug fixes:

- Fix regression in the ``plot()`` method raising an error with empty
geometries (1702, 1828).
- Fix ``geopandas.overlay()`` to preserve geometries of the correct type which
are nested within a GeometryCollection as a result of the overlay
operation (1582). In addition, a warning will now be raised if geometries
of different type are dropped from the result (1554).
- Fix the repr of an empty GeoSeries to not show spurious warnings (1673).
- Fix the ``.crs`` for empty GeoDataFrames (1560).
- Fix ``geopandas.clip`` to preserve the correct geometry column name (1566).
- Fix bug in ``plot()`` method when using ``legend_kwds`` with multiple subplots
- Fix spurious warning with ``missing_kwds`` keyword of the ``plot()`` method
when there are no areas with missing data (1600).
- Fix the ``plot()`` method to correctly align values passed to the ``column``
keyword as a pandas Series (1670).
- Fix bug in plotting MultiPoints when passing values to determine the color
- The ``rename_geometry()`` method now raises a more informative error message
when a duplicate column name is used (1602).
- Fix ``explode()`` method to preserve the CRS (1655)
- Fix the ``GeoSeries.apply()`` method to again accept the ``convert_dtype``
keyword to be consistent with pandas (1636).
- Fix ``GeoDataFrame.apply()`` to preserve the CRS when possible (1848).
- Fix bug in containment test as ``geom in geoseries`` (1753).
- The ``shift()`` method of a GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame now preserves the CRS
- The PostGIS IO functionality now quotes table names to ensure it works with
case-sensitive names (1825).
- Fix the ``GeoSeries`` constructor without passing data but only an index (1798).

Notes on (optional) dependencies:

- GeoPandas 0.9.0 dropped support for Python 3.5. Further, the minimum
required versions are pandas 0.24, numpy 1.15 and shapely 1.6 and fiona 1.8.
- The ``descartes`` package is no longer required for plotting polygons. This
functionality is now included by default in GeoPandas itself, when
matplotlib is available (1677).
- Fiona is now only imported when used in ``read_file``/``to_file``. This means
you can now force geopandas to install without fiona installed (although it
is still a default requirement) (1775).
- Compatibility with the upcoming Shapely 1.8 (1659, 1662, 1819).


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Small bug-fix release for compatibility with PyGEOS 0.9.


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Small bug-fix release:

- Fix a regression in the ``plot()`` method when visualizing with a
JenksCaspallSampled or FisherJenksSampled scheme (1486).
- Fix spurious warning in ``GeoDataFrame.to_postgis`` (1497).
- Fix the un-pickling with ``pd.read_pickle`` of files written with older
GeoPandas versions (1511).


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**Experimental**: optional use of PyGEOS to speed up spatial operations (1155).
PyGEOS is a faster alternative for Shapely (being contributed back to a future
version of Shapely), and is used in element-wise spatial operations and for
spatial index in e.g. ``sjoin`` (1343, 1401, 1421, 1427, 1428). See the
[installation docs](
for more info and how to enable it.

New features and improvements:

- IO enhancements:

- New ``GeoDataFrame.to_postgis()`` method to write to PostGIS database (1248).
- New Apache Parquet and Feather file format support (1180, 1435)
- Allow appending to files with ``GeoDataFrame.to_file`` (1229).
- Add support for the ``ignore_geometry`` keyword in ``read_file`` to only read
the attribute data. If set to True, a pandas DataFrame without geometry is
returned (1383).
- ``geopandas.read_file`` now supports reading from file-like objects (1329).
- ``GeoDataFrame.to_file`` now supports specifying the CRS to write to the file
(802). By default it still uses the CRS of the GeoDataFrame.
- New ``chunksize`` keyword in ``geopandas.read_postgis`` to read a query in
chunks (1123).

- Improvements related to geometry columns and CRS:

- Any column of the GeoDataFrame that has a "geometry" dtype is now returned
as a GeoSeries. This means that when having multiple geometry columns, not
only the "active" geometry column is returned as a GeoSeries, but also
accessing another geometry column (``gdf["other_geom_column"]``) gives a
GeoSeries (1336).
- Multiple geometry columns in a GeoDataFrame can now each have a different
CRS. The global ```` attribute continues to returns the CRS of the
"active" geometry column. The CRS of other geometry columns can be accessed
from the column itself (eg ``gdf["other_geom_column"].crs``) (1339).
- New ``set_crs()`` method on GeoDataFrame/GeoSeries to set the CRS of naive
geometries (747).

- Improvements related to plotting:

- The y-axis is now scaled depending on the center of the plot when using a
geographic CRS, instead of using an equal aspect ratio (1290).
- When passing a column of categorical dtype to the ``column=`` keyword of the
GeoDataFrame ``plot()``, we now honor all categories and its order (1483).
In addition, a new ``categories`` keyword allows to specify all categories
and their order otherwise (1173).
- For choropleths using a classification scheme (using ``scheme=``), the
``legend_kwds`` accept two new keywords to control the formatting of the
legend: ``fmt`` with a format string for the bin edges (1253), and ``labels``
to pass fully custom class labels (1302).

- New ``covers()`` and ``covered_by()`` methods on GeoSeries/GeoDataframe for the
equivalent spatial predicates (1460, 1462).
- GeoPandas now warns when using distance-based methods with data in a
geographic projection (1378).


- When constructing a GeoSeries or GeoDataFrame from data that already has a
CRS, a deprecation warning is raised when both CRS don't match, and in the
future an error will be raised in such a case. You can use the new ``set_crs``
method to override an existing CRS. See
[the docs](
- The helper functions in the ``geopandas.plotting`` module are deprecated for
public usage (656).
- The ```` functions are deprecated, use the top-level ``read_file`` and
``to_file`` instead (1407).
- The set operators (``&``, ``|``, ``^``, ``-``) are deprecated, use the
``intersection()``, ``union()``, ``symmetric_difference()``, ``difference()`` methods
instead (1255).
- The ``sindex`` for empty dataframe will in the future return an empty spatial
index instead of ``None`` (1438).
- The ``objects`` keyword in the ``intersection`` method of the spatial index
returned by the ``sindex`` attribute is deprecated and will be removed in the
future (1440).

Bug fixes:

- Fix the ``total_bounds()`` method to ignore missing and empty geometries (1312).
- Fix ``geopandas.clip`` when masking with non-overlapping area resulting in an
empty GeoDataFrame (1309, 1365).
- Fix error in ``geopandas.sjoin`` when joining on an empty geometry column (1318).
- CRS related fixes: ``pandas.concat`` preserves CRS when concatenating GeoSeries
objects (1340), preserve the CRS in ``geopandas.clip`` (1362) and in
``GeoDataFrame.astype`` (1366).
- Fix bug in ``GeoDataFrame.explode()`` when 'level_1' is one of the column names
- Better error message when rtree is not installed (1425).
- Fix bug in ``GeoSeries.equals()`` (1451).
- Fix plotting of multi-part geometries with additional style keywords (1385).

And we now have a [Code of Conduct](!

GeoPandas 0.8.0 is the last release to support Python 3.5. The next release
will require Python 3.6, pandas 0.24, numpy 1.15 and shapely 1.6 or higher.


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Support for Python 2.7 has been dropped. GeoPandas now works with Python >= 3.5.

The important API change of this release is that GeoPandas now requires
PROJ > 6 and pyproj > 2.2, and that the ``.crs`` attribute of a GeoSeries and
GeoDataFrame no longer stores the CRS information as a proj4 string or dict,
but as a ``pyproj.CRS`` object (1101).

This gives a better user interface and integrates improvements from pyproj and
PROJ 6, but might also require some changes in your code. Check the
[migration guide](
in the documentation.

Other API changes;

- The ``GeoDataFrame.to_file`` method will now also write the GeoDataFrame index
to the file, if the index is named and/or non-integer. You can use the
``index=True/False`` keyword to overwrite this default inference (1059).

New features and improvements:

- A new ``geopandas.clip`` function to clip a GeoDataFrame to the spatial extent
of another shape (1128).
- The ``geopandas.overlay`` function now works for all geometry types, including
points and linestrings in addition to polygons (1110).
- The ``plot()`` method gained support for missing values (in the column that
determines the colors). By default it doesn't plot the corresponding
geometries, but using the new ``missing_kwds`` argument you can specify how to
style those geometries (1156).
- The ``plot()`` method now also supports plotting GeometryCollection and
LinearRing objects (1225).
- Added support for filtering with a geometry or reading a subset of the rows in
``geopandas.read_file`` (1160).
- Added support for the new nullable integer data type of pandas in
``GeoDataFrame.to_file`` (1220).

Bug fixes:

- ``GeoSeries.reset_index()`` now correctly results in a GeoDataFrame instead of DataFrame (1252).
- Fixed the ``geopandas.sjoin`` function to handle MultiIndex correctly (1159).
- Fixed the ``geopandas.sjoin`` function to preserve the index name of the left GeoDataFrame (1150).


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Small bug-fix release:

- Compatibility with Shapely 1.7 and pandas 1.0 (1244).
- Fix ``GeoDataFrame.fillna`` to accept non-geometry values again when there are
no missing values in the geometry column. This should make it easier to fill
the numerical columns of the GeoDataFrame (1279).

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