- Complete overhaul of the documentation
- Addition of ``overlay`` to perform spatial overlays with polygons (142)
- Addition of ``sjoin`` to perform spatial joins (115, 145, 188)
- Addition of ``__geo_interface__`` that returns a python data structure
to represent the ``GeoSeries`` as a GeoJSON-like ``FeatureCollection`` (116)
and ``iterfeatures`` method (178)
- Addition of the ``explode`` (146) and ``dissolve`` (310, 311) methods.
- Addition of the ``sindex`` attribute, a Spatial Index using the optional
dependency ``rtree`` (``libspatialindex``) that can be used to speed up
certain operations such as overlays (140, 141).
- Addition of the ``GeoSeries.cx`` coordinate indexer to slice a GeoSeries based
on a bounding box of the coordinates (55).
- Improvements to plotting: ability to specify edge colors (173), support for
the ``vmin``, ``vmax``, ``figsize``, ``linewidth`` keywords (207), legends
for chloropleth plots (210), color points by specifying a colormap (186) or
a single color (238).
- Larger flexibility of ``to_crs``, accepting both dicts and proj strings (289)
- Addition of embedded example data, accessible through
API changes:
- In the ``plot`` method, the ``axes`` keyword is renamed to ``ax`` for
consistency with pandas, and the ``colormap`` keyword is renamed to ``cmap``
for consistency with matplotlib (208, 228, 240).
Bug fixes:
- Properly handle rows with missing geometries (139, 193).
- Fix ``GeoSeries.to_json`` (263).
- Correctly serialize metadata when pickling (199, 206).
- Fix ``merge`` and ``concat`` to return correct GeoDataFrame (247, 320, 322).