
Latest version: v0.6.2

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Major Features and Improvements

- The documentation for ``gtda.mapper.utils.decorators.method_to_transform`` has been improved.
- A table of contents has been added to the theory glossary.
- The theory glossary has been restructured by including a section titled "Analysis". Entries for l^p norms, L^p norms and heat vectorization have been added.
- The project's Azure CI for Windows versions has been sped-up by ensuring that the locally installed boost version is detected.
- Several python bindings to external code from GUDHI, and Hera have been made public: specifically, ``from gtda.externals import *`` now gives power users access to:

- ``bottleneck_distance``,
- ``wasserstein_distance``,
- ``ripser``,
- ``SparseRipsComplex``,
- ``CechComplex``,
- ``CubicalComplex``,
- ``PeriodicCubicalComplex``,
- ``SimplexTree``,
- ``WitnessComplex``,
- ``StrongWitnessComplex``.

However, these functionalities are still undocumented.
- The ``gtda.mapper.visualisation`` and ``gtda.mapper.utils._visualisation`` modules have been thoroughly refactored to improve code clarity, add functionality, change behaviour and fix bugs. Specifically, in figures generated by both ``plot_static_mapper_graph`` and ``plot_interactive_mapper_graph``:

- The colorbar no longer shows values rescaled to the interval [0, 1]. Instead, it always shows the true range of node summary statistics.
- The values of the node summary statistics are now displayed in the hovertext boxes. A a new keyword argument ``n_sig_figs`` controls their rounding (3 is the default).
- ``plotly_kwargs`` has been renamed to ``plotly_params`` (see "Backwards-Incompatible Changes" below).
- The dependency on ``matplotlib``'s ``rgb2hex`` and ``get_cmap`` functions has been removed. As no other component in ``giotto-tda`` required ``matplotlib``, the dependency on this library has been removed completely.
- A ``node_scale`` keyword argument has been added which can be used to controls the size of nodes (see "Backwards-Incompatible Changes" below).
- The overall look of Mapper graphs has been improved by increasing the opacity of node colors so that edges do not hide them, and by reducing the thickness of marker lines.

Furthermore, a ``clone_pipeline`` keyword argument has been added to ``plot_interactive_mapper_graph``, which when set to ``False`` allows the user to mutate the input pipeline via the interactive widget.

- The docstrings of ``plot_static_mapper_graph``, ``plot_interactive_mapper_graph`` and ``make_mapper_pipeline`` have been improved.

Bug Fixes

- A CI bug introduced by an update to the XCode compiler installed on the Azure Mac machines has been fixed.
- A bug afflicting Mapper colors, which was due to an incorrect rescaling to [0, 1], has been fixed.

Backwards-Incompatible Changes

- The keyword parameter ``plotly_kwargs`` in ``plot_static_mapper_graph`` and ``plot_interactive_mapper_graph`` has been renamed to ``plotly_params`` and has now slightly different specifications. A new logic controls how the information contained in ``plotly_params`` is used to update plotly figures.
- The function ``get_node_sizeref`` in ``gtda.mapper.utils.visualization`` has been hidden by renaming it to ``_get_node_sizeref``. Its main intended use is subsumed by the new ``node_scale`` parameter of ``plot_static_mapper_graph`` and ``plot_interactive_mapper_graph``.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people:

Umberto Lupo, Julian Burella Pérez, Anibal Medina-Mardones, Wojciech Reise and Guillaume Tauzin.

We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions.




Major Features and Improvements

- The theory glossary has been improved to include the notions of vectorization, kernel and amplitude for persistence diagrams.
- The ``ripser`` function in ``gtda.externals.python.ripser_interface`` no longer uses scikit-learn's ``pairwise_distances`` when
``metric`` is ``'precomputed'``, thus allowing square arrays with negative entries or infinities to be passed.
- ``check_point_clouds`` in ``gtda.utils.validation`` now checks for square array input when the input should be a collection of
distance-type matrices. Warnings guide the user to correctly setting the ``distance_matrices`` parameter. ``force_all_finite=False``
no longer means accepting NaN input (only infinite input is accepted).
- ``VietorisRipsPersistence`` in ``gtda.homology.simplicial`` no longer masks out infinite entries in the input to be fed to
- The docstrings for ``check_point_clouds`` and ``VietorisRipsPersistence`` have been improved to reflect these changes and the
extra level of generality for ``ripser``.

Bug Fixes

- The variable used to indicate the location of Boost headers has been renamed from ``Boost_INCLUDE_DIR`` to ``Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS``
to address developer installation issues in some Linux systems.

Backwards-Incompatible Changes

- The keyword parameter ``distance_matrix`` in ``check_point_clouds`` has been renamed to ``distance_matrices``.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people:

Umberto Lupo, Anibal Medina-Mardones, Julian Burella Pérez, Guillaume Tauzin, and Wojciech Reise.

We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions.




Major Features and Improvements

This is a major release which substantially broadens the scope of ``giotto-tda`` and introduces several improvements.
The library's documentation has been greatly improved and is now hosted `via GitHub pages <>`_.
It includes rendered jupyter notebooks from the repository's ``examples`` folder, as well as an improved theory glossary,
more detailed installation instructions, improved guidelines for contributing, and an FAQ.

Plotting functions and plotting API

This version introduces built-in plotting capabilities to ``giotto-tda``. These come in the form of:

- a new ``plotting`` subpackage populated with plotting functions for common data structures;
- a new ``PlotterMixin`` and a class-level plotting API based on newly introduced ``plot``, ``transform_plot`` and
``fit_transform_plot`` methods which are now available in several of ``giotto-tda``'s transformers.

Changes and additions to ``gtda.homology``

The internal structure of this subpackage has been changed. ``ConsistentRescaling`` has been moved to a new ``point_clouds``
subpackage (see below), and ``gtda.homology`` no longer contains a ``point_clouds`` submodule. Instead, it contains two
submodules, ``simplicial`` and ``cubical``. ``simplicial`` contains the ``VietorisRipsPersistence`` class as well as the
following new classes:

- ``SparseRipsPersistence``,
- ``EuclideanCechPersistence``.

The ``cubical`` submodule contains ``CubicalPersistence``, a new class for computing persistent homology of filtered cubical
complexes such as those coming from 2D or 3D greyscale images.

New ``images`` subpackage

The new ``gtda.images`` subpackage contains classes which, together with ``gtda.homology.CubicalPersistence``, extend
the capabilities of ``giotto-tda`` to computer vision, by handling input representing binary or greyscale 2D/3D images
represented as arrays.

The classes in ``gtda.images.filtrations`` are responsible for converting binary image input into greyscale images in a
variety of ways. The greyscale output can then be fed to ``gtda.homology.CubicalPersistence`` to extract topological
signatures in the form of persistence diagrams. These classes are:

- ``HeightFiltration``,
- ``RadialFiltration``,
- ``DilationFiltration``,
- ``ErosionFiltration``,
- ``SignedDistanceFiltration``.

The classes in ``gtda.images.preprocessing`` perform a variety of preprocessing steps on either binary or greyscale image
input, as well as conversion to point cloud format. They are:

- ``Binarizer``,
- ``Inverter``,
- ``Padder``,
- ``ImageToPointCloud``.

New ``point_clouds`` subpackage

``ConsistentRescaling`` is no longer placed in ``gtda.homology``. Instead, it is now in a ``point_clouds`` subpackage
containing classes which process or modify the geometry of point cloud data. ``gtda.point_clouds`` also contains the new
class ``ConsecutiveRescaling``, written with time series applications in mind.

List of point cloud input

All classes in the ``homology`` subpackage (``VietorisRipsPersistence``, ``SparseRipsPersistence``, and ``EuclideanCechPersistence``)
can now take as inputs to the ``fit`` and ``transform`` methods lists of 2D arrays instead of simply 3D arrays. In this
way, collections of point clouds with varying numbers of points can be processed.

Changes and additions to ``gtda.diagrams``

The ``diagrams`` subpackage contains the following new classes:

- ``PersistenceImage``
- ``Silhouette``

Additionally, the subpackage has been reorganised as follows:

- The ``features`` submodule now only contains the *scalar* feature generation classes ``Amplitude`` (moved there from
``distance``) and ``PersistenceEntropy``.
- Classes which produce *vector* representations from persistence diagrams have been moved to the new ``representations``

Changes and additions to ``gtda.utils``

- ``validate_params`` has been thoroughly refactored, documented and exposed for the benefit of developers.
- ``check_diagrams`` has been modified, documented and exposed for the benefit of developers.
- The new ``check_point_clouds`` performs validation of inputs consisting of collections of point clouds of distance
matrices. It accepts both lists of 2D ndarrays and 3D ndarrays, and is used in the ``fit`` and ``transform``
methods of classes in ``gtda.homology.simplicial`` to allow for list input (see above).

External modules and HPC improvements

A substantial effort has been put in improving the quality of the high-performance components contained in ``gtda.externals``.
The end result is a cleaner packaging as well as faster execution of C++ functions due to improved bindings. In particular:

- Two binaries are now shipped for ``ripser``, one of them being optimised for calculations with mod 2 coefficients.
- Recent improvements by the authors of the ``hera`` C++ library have been integrated in ``giotto-tda``.
- Compiler optimisations for Windows-based systems have been added.
- The integration of ``pybind11`` has been improved and several issues arising with ``CMake`` and ``boost`` during
developer installations have been addressed.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug with ``TakensEmbedding``'s algorithm for search of optimal parameters.
- Inconsistencies in between the meaning of "bottleneck amplitude" in the theory and in the code have been ironed out.
The code has been modified to agree with the theory glossary. The outputs of the ``gtda.diagrams`` classes
``Amplitude``, ``Scaler`` and ``Filtering`` is affected.
- Fixed bugs affecting color normalization in Mapper graph plots.

Backwards-Incompatible Changes

- Python 3.5 is no longer supported.
- Mac OS X versions below 10.14 are no longer supported by the wheels shipped via PyPI.
- ``ConsistentRescaling`` is no longer found in ``gtda.homology`` and is now part of ``gtda.point_clouds``.
- The outputs of the ``gtda.diagrams`` classes ``Amplitude``, ``Scaler`` and ``Filtering`` have changed due to sqrt(2)
factors (see Bug Fixes).
- The ``meta_transformers`` module has been removed.
- The ``plotting`` module has been removed from the ``examples`` folder of the repository.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people:

Umberto Lupo, Guillaume Tauzin, Wojciech Reise, Julian Burella Pérez, Roman Yurchak, Lewis Tunstall, Anibal Medina-Mardones, and Adélie Garin.

We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and answered questions, and were part of
inspiring discussions.




Library name change
The library and GitHub repository have been renamed to ``giotto-tda``! While the
new name is meant to better convey the library's focus on Topology-powered
machine learning and Data Analysis, the commitment to seamless integration with
``scikit-learn`` will remain just as strong and a defining feature of the project.
Concurrently, the main module has been renamed from ``giotto`` to ``gtda`` in this



Major Features and Improvements

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in ``diagrams.Amplitude`` causing the transformed array to be wrongly filled and added adequate test.

Backwards-Incompatible Changes

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people:

Umberto Lupo.

We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and
answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions.



Major Features and Improvements
- Added support for Python 3.5.

Bug Fixes

Backwards-Incompatible Changes

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people:

Matteo Caorsi, Henry Tom (henrytomsf), Guillaume Tauzin.

We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and
answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions.


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