Major Features and Improvements
The following submodules where added:
- ``giotto.homology`` implements transformers to modify metric spaces or generate persistence diagrams.
- ``giotto.diagrams`` implements transformers to preprocess persistence diagrams or extract features from them.
- ``giotto.time_series`` implements transformers to preprocess time series or embed them in a higher dimensional space for persistent homology.
- ``giotto.graphs`` implements transformers to create graphs or extract metric spaces from graphs.
- ``giotto.meta_transformers`` implements convenience ``giotto.Pipeline`` transformers for direct topological feature generation.
- ``giotto.utils`` implements hyperparameters and input validation functions.
- ``giotto.base`` implements a ``TransformerResamplerMixin`` for transformers that have a resample method.
- ``giotto.pipeline`` extends scikit-learn's module by defining Pipelines that include ``TransformerResamplers``.
Bug Fixes
Backwards-Incompatible Changes
Thanks to our Contributors
This release contains contributions from many people:
Guillaume Tauzin, Umberto Lupo, Philippe Nguyen, Matteo Caorsi, Julian Burella Pérez, Alessio Ghiraldello.
We are also grateful to all who filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and
answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions. In particular, we would like
to thank `Martino Milani <https://github.com/MartMilani/reportPACS>`_, who worked on an early
prototype of a Mapper implementation; although very different from the current one, it
adopted an early form of caching to avoid recomputation in refitting, which was an inspiration
for this implementation.