
Latest version: v0.16.0

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Backport fixes:

* Make `PandasDataset` faster (2148 by lostella)
* Interrupting `mx.Trainer` stops training. (2131 by Hongqing-work)
* Ignore divide warnings in evaluation. (2159 by jaheba)


Backporting fixes:
- Docs: Make notebook templates. (2122 by jaheba)
- Docs: Rework installation section. (2130 by jaheba)
- Fix DatasetCollection for Python 3.9. (2135 by rsnirwan)
- Docs: Fix running tutorials for publishing docs. (2138 by jaheba)
- Fix PandasDataset for Python 3.9 (2141 by lostella)
- Fix issues with hyperparameter tuning tutorial (2143 by lostella)
- Docs: Apply black to notebooks. (2144 by jaheba)



Arrow based datasets

We have added support for Parquet-files, as well as Arrow's [binary format]( This is an opt-in feature, requiring [`pyarrow`]( to be installed. Use `pip install 'gluonts[pro]'` or `pip install 'gluonts[arrow]'` to ensure the correct version is installed.

`FileDataset` has been reworked to support `.parquet` and `.arrow` files. Previously, it had assumed all files to use `jsonlines`. To continue using `jsonlines` ensure that the the files use one of the `.json`, `.jsonl`, `.json.gz`, `jsonl.gz` suffixes.

Depending on the dataset size and shape, Arrow can be much faster than the json variant. In more extreme cases we saw speedups of more than 100x when using arrow vs jsonlines (see 2003 for some examples).

To convert a given dataset into arrow, you can use the `gluonts.dataset.arrow` utility:

python -m gluonts.dataset.arrow write </path/to/dataset> my-dataset.arrow


We have added support for `pandas.DataFrame` and `pandas.Series` as well. You can now directly model data given in a `DataFrame` using `gluonts.dataset.pandas.PandasDataset`. In this [`tutorial`]( we describe in depth how you can use `PandasDataset` to speed up modelling using GluonTS.


New Features

* 1631 - Add `TimeLimitCallback` to `mx/trainer` callbacks. (by yx1215)
* 1780 - adding MQF2 (Multi-horizon) (by KelvinKan)
* 1903 - Added QuarterlyBegin time feature (by kashif)
* 1924 - Porting SimpleFeedForwardEstimator to PyTorch (by lostella)
* 1925 - DeepAR PyTorch: make samplers configurable (by lostella)
* 1935 - added support for pandas dataframes (by rsnirwan)
* 1962 - Add support for beta-NLL loss (by kashif)
* 1982 - Add Uber-TLC dataset to dataset repository. (by Hongqing-work)
* 1990 - Add info cli. (by jaheba)
* 1987 - Add HP tuning example with Optuna (by npnv)
* 2000 - Add `arrow`-based dataset. (by vafl, lostella, jaheba)
* 2002 - add ND for item_metrics (by melopeo)
* 2006 - Added support of "long" RTS, making short RTS be "past_feat_dynamic_real" (by zoolhasson)
* 2061 - Add `DatasetWriter`. (by jaheba)
* 2074 - Add support for second frequency. (by kashif)

Breaking Changes

* 1917 - Breaking: Fix return types of features (by lostella)
* 1941 - Breaking: Update dependency fbprophet -> prophet (by lostella)
* 1946 - Breaking: Split incremental quantile output into separate class (by lostella)
* 1965 - Breaking: reorg torch package, shorten import paths (by lostella)
* 1980 - Use `pd.Period` instead of `pd.Timestamp`. (by jaheba)
* 1997 - Remove `freq` argument from `Forecast`. (by kashif)
* 2011 - Remove `dct_reduce`. (by jaheba)
* 2017 - Remove mandatory freq attribute of Predictor. (by kashif)
* 2018 - Remove multiprocessing dataloader. (by jaheba)
* 2019 - Rework `FileDataset`. (by jaheba)
* 2053 - Add `dataset_writer` to `get_dataset`. (by Hongqing-work)
* 2070 - Add `jsonl.encode_json`, remove `serialize_data_entry`. (by jaheba)

Bug Fixes / Minor Improvements

* 1704 - Settings._let will pop element it added instead of just the last one. (by jaheba)
* 1905 - Fix typing issues in torch estimators, update base estimators docstrings (by lostella)
* 1909 - Fix the use of the scaling parameter in Transformer model (by StanislasGuinel)
* 1916 - Fix AddTimeFeatures transformation for multiples of base frequencies (by lostella)
* 1920 - Fix: use broadcast_lesser in place of comparisons in ISQF (by vincentqb)
* 1931 - Fix dummy estimator (by canerturkmen)
* 1933 - Fix Pytorch Lightning tutorial. (by jaheba)
* 1938 - Fixed autograd inplace operations error in Transformed Distribution (by shubhamkapoor)
* 1950 - Fix: Hard threshold positive distribution parameters (by lostella)
* 1952 - Fix forecast keys (quantiles) output by TemporalFusionTransformer (by lostella)
* 1968 - Fix: use of num_parallel_samples in deepAR (by kashif)
* 1969 - Fix: torch DeepAR observed indicator in multivariate case (by kashif)
* 1975 - use FieldName (by kashif)
* 1983 - Documentation: add docstrings for torch-based models (by lostella)
* 1986 - Fix OffsetSplitter for negative offsets (by lostella)
* 1989 - Pin protobuf version. (by jaheba)
* 1991 - Remove packaged pytorch-ts from `gluonts.nursery.SCott` (by lostella)
* 1999 - Documentation: fix and speed up tutorials (by lostella)
* 2004 - Refactor splitter assertion and add error message (by RSNirwan)
* 2005 - Rework `itertools`, add col-to-row and row-to-col functions. (by jaheba)
* 2008 - Re-add cache for parsing 'pd.Period'. (by jaheba)
* 2013 - Update website template, clean up homepage and tutorials (by lostella)
* 2014 - Expose `Estimator`, `Predictor`, `Forecast` in `gluonts.model`. (by jaheba)
* 2015 - Fix mean in `AffineTransformedDistribution` (by stailx)
* 2016 - Fix torch affine transformed distribution (by lostella)
* 2020 - Remove unnecessary files from `docs` folder, update gitignore (by lostella)
* 2021 - Update references to dev branch. (by lostella)
* 2024 - Fix README. Use `DataFramesDataset`. (by jaheba)
* 2025 - Make HP tuning tutorial more accurate (by jaheba)
* 2028 - Re-add support for Python 3.6 (by jaheba)
* 2029 - Add support for nan values in Rotbaum (by zoolhasson)
* 2035 - Simplify lag values computation in torch DeepAR (by lostella)
* 2036 - Minor improvements to the hierarchical model (by rshyamsundar)
* 2047 - Make `Quantile` derive from `pydantic.BaseModel`. (by jaheba)
* 2050 - Add concepts section to docs. (by jaheba)
* 2051 - Add tutorial on `DataFramesDataset` (by RSNirwan)
* 2057 - Add optional parameter `time_axis` to `forecast_start`. (by melopeo)
* 2062 - Fix type annotations for `predict_to_numpy` (by lostella)
* 2066 - Always pass freq explicitly to pd.period_range. (by kashif)
* 2068 - Docs: simplify call to evaluator (by lostella)
* 2092 - Fix: DistributionLoss not encodable. (by jaheba)
* 2098 - Add Airtraffic dataset. (by jaheba)
* 2108 - Fixup trainer in case of non-finite loss. (by jaheba)
* 2121 - Change default behavior for TrainDatasets overwrite (by nklingen)



Arrow based datasets

We have added support for Parquet-files, as well as Arrow's [binary format]( This is an opt-in feature, requiring [`pyarrow`]( to be installed. Use `pip install 'gluonts[pro]'` or `pip install 'gluonts[arrow]'` to ensure the correct version is installed.

`FileDataset` has been reworked to support `.parquet` and `.arrow` files. Previously, it had assumed all files to use `jsonlines`. To continue using `jsonlines` ensure that the the files use one of the `.json`, `.jsonl`, `.json.gz`, `jsonl.gz` suffixes.

Depending on the dataset size and shape, Arrow can be much faster than the json variant. In more extreme cases we saw speedups of more than 100x when using arrow vs jsonlines (see 2003 for some examples).

To convert a given dataset into arrow, you can use the `gluonts.dataset.arrow` utility:

python -m gluonts.dataset.arrow write </path/to/dataset> my-dataset.arrow


We have added support for `pandas.DataFrame` and `pandas.Series` as well. You can now directly model data given in a `DataFrame` using `gluonts.dataset.pandas.PandasDataset`. In this [`tutorial`]( we describe in depth how you can use `PandasDataset` to speed up modelling using GluonTS.


New Features

* 1631 - Add `TimeLimitCallback` to `mx/trainer` callbacks. (by yx1215)
* 1780 - adding MQF2 (Multi-horizon) (by KelvinKan)
* 1903 - Added QuarterlyBegin time feature (by kashif)
* 1924 - Porting SimpleFeedForwardEstimator to PyTorch (by lostella)
* 1925 - DeepAR PyTorch: make samplers configurable (by lostella)
* 1935 - added support for pandas dataframes (by rsnirwan)
* 1962 - Add support for beta-NLL loss (by kashif)
* 1982 - Add Uber-TLC dataset to dataset repository. (by Hongqing-work)
* 1990 - Add info cli. (by jaheba)
* 1987 - Add HP tuning example with Optuna (by npnv)
* 2000 - Add `arrow`-based dataset. (by vafl, lostella, jaheba)
* 2002 - add ND for item_metrics (by melopeo)
* 2006 - Added support of "long" RTS, making short RTS be "past_feat_dynamic_real" (by zoolhasson)
* 2061 - Add `DatasetWriter`. (by jaheba)
* 2074 - Add support for second frequency. (by kashif)

Breaking Changes

* 1917 - Breaking: Fix return types of features (by lostella)
* 1941 - Breaking: Update dependency fbprophet -> prophet (by lostella)
* 1946 - Breaking: Split incremental quantile output into separate class (by lostella)
* 1965 - Breaking: reorg torch package, shorten import paths (by lostella)
* 1980 - Use `pd.Period` instead of `pd.Timestamp`. (by jaheba)
* 1997 - Remove `freq` argument from `Forecast`. (by kashif)
* 2011 - Remove `dct_reduce`. (by jaheba)
* 2018 - Remove multiprocessing dataloader. (by jaheba)
* 2019 - Rework `FileDataset`. (by jaheba)
* 2053 - Add `dataset_writer` to `get_dataset`. (by Hongqing-work)
* 2070 - Add `jsonl.encode_json`, remove `serialize_data_entry`. (by jaheba)

Bug Fixes / Minor Improvements

* 1704 - Settings._let will pop element it added instead of just the last one. (by jaheba)
* 1905 - Fix typing issues in torch estimators, update base estimators docstrings (by lostella)
* 1909 - Fix the use of the scaling parameter in Transformer model (by StanislasGuinel)
* 1916 - Fix AddTimeFeatures transformation for multiples of base frequencies (by lostella)
* 1920 - Fix: use broadcast_lesser in place of comparisons in ISQF (by vincentqb)
* 1931 - Fix dummy estimator (by canerturkmen)
* 1933 - Fix Pytorch Lightning tutorial. (by jaheba)
* 1938 - Fixed autograd inplace operations error in Transformed Distribution (by shubhamkapoor)
* 1950 - Fix: Hard threshold positive distribution parameters (by lostella)
* 1952 - Fix forecast keys (quantiles) output by TemporalFusionTransformer (by lostella)
* 1968 - Fix: use of num_parallel_samples in deepAR (by kashif)
* 1969 - Fix: torch DeepAR observed indicator in multivariate case (by kashif)
* 1975 - use FieldName (by kashif)
* 1983 - Documentation: add docstrings for torch-based models (by lostella)
* 1986 - Fix OffsetSplitter for negative offsets (by lostella)
* 1989 - Pin protobuf version. (by jaheba)
* 1991 - Remove packaged pytorch-ts from `gluonts.nursery.SCott` (by lostella)
* 1999 - Documentation: fix and speed up tutorials (by lostella)
* 2004 - Refactor splitter assertion and add error message (by RSNirwan)
* 2005 - Rework `itertools`, add col-to-row and row-to-col functions. (by jaheba)
* 2008 - Re-add cache for parsing 'pd.Period'. (by jaheba)
* 2013 - Update website template, clean up homepage and tutorials (by lostella)
* 2014 - Expose `Estimator`, `Predictor`, `Forecast` in `gluonts.model`. (by jaheba)
* 2015 - Fix mean in `AffineTransformedDistribution` (by stailx)
* 2016 - Fix torch affine transformed distribution (by lostella)
* 2020 - Remove unnecessary files from `docs` folder, update gitignore (by lostella)
* 2021 - Update references to dev branch. (by lostella)
* 2024 - Fix README. Use `DataFramesDataset`. (by jaheba)
* 2025 - Make HP tuning tutorial more accurate (by jaheba)
* 2028 - Re-add support for Python 3.6 (by jaheba)
* 2029 - Add support for nan values in Rotbaum (by zoolhasson)
* 2035 - Simplify lag values computation in torch DeepAR (by lostella)
* 2036 - Minor improvements to the hierarchical model (by rshyamsundar)
* 2047 - Make `Quantile` derive from `pydantic.BaseModel`. (by jaheba)
* 2050 - Add concepts section to docs. (by jaheba)
* 2051 - Add tutorial on `DataFramesDataset` (by RSNirwan)
* 2057 - Add optional parameter `time_axis` to `forecast_start`. (by melopeo)
* 2062 - Fix type annotations for `predict_to_numpy` (by lostella)
* 2068 - Docs: simplify call to evaluator (by lostella)


Backporting fixes:
- Cap numpy compatibility in mxnet extra requirements 2506
- Add gluonts.util.safe_extract 2606
- Fix call to extractall 2648


Backporting fixes:
* Fix r_forecast wrapper to shift start date when truncating time series (2216 by abdulfatir)
* Fix dtype bug in piecewise_linear and add a test (2224 by rshyamsundar)
* Fix bug in to_quantile_forecast (2225 by eugeneteoh)
* Fix in case of empty data loader (2228 by lostella)
* Fix feed-forward models when features are provided (2238 by lostella)

**Full Changelog**:

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