Backporting fixes: - Fix `SymbolBlock` serde issue (2187 by lostella)
Backporting fixes: - Fix dtype for "item_id" column in metrics dataframe ( by lostella) - Fix recursive case for ( by lostella) - Fix item_id values in ConstantValuePredictor ( by codingWhale13)
Backporting fixes: - Fix: DistributionLoss not encodable (2092 by jaheba)
* Re-add support for Python 3.6 in v0.9.x. (2032 by jaheba)
Backporting fixes:
* Fix: use of `num_parallel_samples` in deepAR (1968 by kashif) * Fix: torch DeepAR observed indicator in multivariate case (1969 by kashif) * Fix `OffsetSplitter` for negative offsets (1986 by lostella) * Fix mean in `AffineTransformedDistribution` (2015 by stailx)
Backporting fixes: * Fix: Hard threshold positive distribution parameters (1950 by lostella) * Fix forecast keys (quantiles) output by TemporalFusionTransformer (1952 by lostella)
Backporting fixes: * Fix: use broadcast_lesser in place of comparisons in ISQF (1920 by vincentqb) * Fix dummy estimator (1931 by canerturkmen) * Fix Pytorch Lightning tutorial (1933 by jaheba) * Fixed autograd inplace operations error in Transformed Distribution (1938 by shubhamkapoor)