The UFO glyphOrder is now written verbatim to the Glyph font master "glyphOrder" custom parameter, since Glyphs 2.6.1+ no longer messes with it.
Fixed bug whereby when generating `table GDEF {...}` in the UFOs' features.fea, glyphsLib was not including the "bracket" glyphs in the `GlyphClassDef` statement, leading to missing `mark` or `mkmk` rules for "bracket" glyphs (578, 581).
Optimize performance with a profiler in a few spots.
Fixed error when exporting Glyphs => UFOs and a glyph contains duplicate layers with the same name (566, 570).
- Use ufoLib2 instead of defcon as default UFO module. Defcon is still supported as optional alternative backend (564). - Use `importlib.resources` instead of `__file__` to locate GlyphData.xml resource file, to allow embedding in zip app (561). - Fixed non-deterministic test failure due to mutable class state. - Fixed roundtripping empty features (563).
Added support for `subscript`, `superscript` and `strikeout` instance custom parameters (