
Latest version: v2023.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 707299 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Support NetworkX 3.2, which made many improvements to dispatching (68, 77, 78)
- Add support for Python 3.12 (79)
- Drop support for Python 3.8 (77)


New algorithms (67)
- `algorithms.efficiency_measures.efficiency`
- `algorithms.isomorphism.isomorph.fast_could_be_isomorphic`
- `algorithms.isomorphism.isomorph.faster_could_be_isomorphic`
- `algorithms.lowest_common_ancestors.lowest_common_ancestor`
- `algorithms.operators.unary.complement`
- `algorithms.operators.unary.reverse`
- `algorithms.shortest_paths.weighted.bellman_ford_path_length`
- `linalg.bethehessianmatrix.bethe_hessian_matrix`
- `linalg.graphmatrix.adjacency_matrix`
- `linalg.laplacianmatrix.laplacian_matrix`
- `linalg.laplacianmatrix.normalized_laplacian_matrix`
- `linalg.modularitymatrix.directed_modularity_matrix`
- `linalg.modularitymatrix.modularity_matrix`


- Add support for Python 3.11 (61)
- Add logo and benchmarks to README (60)

New algorithms (51, 61, 62, 64)
- Components
- is_connected
- is_weakly_connected
- node_connected_component
- Generators
- ego_graph
- Link Analysis
- google_matrix
- Operators
- compose
- difference
- disjoint_union
- full_join
- intersection
- symmetric_difference
- union
- Shortest Paths
- all_pairs_shortest_path_length
- bellman_ford_path
- floyd_warshall_numpy
- negative_edge_cycle
- single_source_shortest_path_length
- single_target_shortest_path_length
- Traversal
- bfs_layers
- descendants_at_distance


_Note: this is a re-release of 2023.2.0, because 2023.2.0 didn't build and upload to PyPI_

- Add scripts to run benchmarks and download data (39)
- Add `floyd_warshall` algorithm for all-pairs shortest path (42)
- Add `floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance` (43)
- Add `all_pairs_bellman_ford_path_length` and `single_source_bellman_ford_path_length` (44)
- Add `NodeNodeMap` class and `matrix_to_nodenodemap` and `matrix_to_vectornodemap` methods (43)
- These can replace `matrix_to_dicts`
- Add `fill_value` to `NodeMap` (43)
- Allow `NodeMap` values to be interpreted as keys (43)
- Add more cached properties (44)
- `min_diagonal` (and other `{monoid_name}_diagonal`)
- `has_negative_diagonal`
- `has_negative_edges-` and `has_negative_edges+`
- `is_iso`
- `iso_value`
- Add `normalize_chunksize` and `partition` utility functions to help run algorithms chunkwise (47)
- Misc. maintenance (41, 45, 46)



- Add scripts to run benchmarks and download data (39)
- Add `floyd_warshall` algorithm for all-pairs shortest path (42)
- Add `floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance` (43)
- Add `all_pairs_bellman_ford_path_length` and `single_source_bellman_ford_path_length` (44)
- Add `NodeNodeMap` class and `matrix_to_nodenodemap` and `matrix_to_vectornodemap` methods (43)
- These can replace `matrix_to_dicts`
- Add `fill_value` to `NodeMap` (43)
- Allow `NodeMap` values to be interpreted as keys (43)
- Add more cached properties (44)
- `min_diagonal` (and other `{monoid_name}_diagonal`)
- `has_negative_diagonal`
- `has_negative_edges-` and `has_negative_edges+`
- `is_iso`
- `iso_value`
- Add `normalize_chunksize` and `partition` utility functions to help run algorithms chunkwise (47)
- Misc. maintenance (41, 45, 46)

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