- Update README to show installation instructions and basic usage (34) - Including use as a NetworkX plugin! - Create Graph from Matrix as `Graph(A)` instead of `Graph.from_graphblas(A)`(35) - Update more places to use `to_coo` and `from_coo` instead of `to_values` and `from_values` (32) - Use faster algorithm for `s_metric` (38) - Add environment.yml to create developer environment (37) - Add DOI from Zenodo to README (33)
- Add plugin code to be a backend for NetworkX 3.0 to dispatch to - Add `graphblas_algorithms.nxapi` that "looks" like the NetworkX API - Add _lots_ of algorithms and other nice things!
- Updated to use `python-graphblas` instead of `grblas` - Added average_clustering, clustering, transitivity, and triangles for undirected, unweighted graphs - Added git pre-commit hooks - Added some helpful utility functions to make things easier/cleaner
First release!
`graphblas-algorithms` is just getting started. It only has PageRank: - `graphblas_algorithms.pagerank` matches NetworkX API and passes all NetworkX PageRank tests. - `graphblas_algorithms.link_analysis.pagerank_core` is a fast, GraphBLAS-only implementation that is used by the former. - This is the implementation to bring to benchmarking shootout.
**_This project is in alpha and may undergo significant changes._**