abb1abf (HEAD -> master) Merge branch &39;release/1.0.1rc2&39;
335e59d (release/1.0.1rc2) version bump
a488e2b (origin/develop, develop) Simplify use of Prefix through a separate class that allows overwriting of default_prefix
657aebf Provide the prefix for Address()
4949a2d remove class variable
ac884c4 Make websocket class thread-safe
97e2e9c version bump
ec9893a version bump ([`49c196e`](
* Merge branch &39;release/1.0.1rc2&39; ([`abb1abf`](
* version bump ([`335e59d`](
* Simplify use of Prefix through a separate class that allows overwriting of default_prefix ([`a488e2b`](
* Provide the prefix for Address() ([`657aebf`](
* remove class variable ([`4949a2d`](
* Make websocket class thread-safe ([`ac884c4`](
* version bump ([`97e2e9c`](
* version bump ([`ec9893a`](
* Merge branch &39;release/1.0.0rc1&39; ([`698a0f4`](
* version bump ([`0cf4d89`](
* Backwards compatibility with api_id ([`1074262`](
* Compatibility fixes for previous interfacing ([`43f49a6`](
* improve coverage ([`9b44422`](
* License update to include ChainSquad ([`fd69dfe`](
* Move pubkey sorting to PublicKey class ([`fc1ac6b`](
* Remove deprecated code ([`360ea0f`](
* Fix coverage run ([`9d7ca2e`](
* version bump ([`310285b`](
* Merge tag &39;catch-broken-pipe&39; into develop
Catch the broken pipe error ([`0525ccf`](
* Merge branch &39;hotfix/catch-broken-pipe&39; ([`11f8e21`](
* Catch exceptions and don&39;t always wrap them ([`0082b55`](
* Separately catch broken connections ([`ccec2f6`](
* version bump ([`247433a`](
* Catch IOError ([`0c8d918`](
* Merge tag &39;broken-pipe-error&39; into develop
HOTFIX release
Try fix the broken-pipe-error ([`fce740b`](
* Merge branch &39;hotfix/broken-pipe-error&39; ([`55ee033`](
* version bump ([`aa97ea6`](
* Try to make websocket more robust ([`c503a67`](
* easier backwards compatibility ([`d94ee20`](
* ensure that the key interface has a is_encrypted method ([`6b1997d`](
* Merge branch &39;feature/operations-refactoring&39; into develop ([`12c852e`](
* major code smells ([`7c55e77`](
* make sonar-scanner optional ([`7201e0c`](
* Update sonar to not include &39;graphene&39; folder ([`68166a2`](
* make setdefault a classmethod ([`a12e5a6`](
* comment away foreign code that has no unit tests ([`f95cba3`](
* added requirements ([`2e0dae2`](
* update to docs ([`e99da32`](
* CLA, Contributing and CLA ([`24a4099`](
* ignroe python and scanner stuff ([`67781d9`](
* coverage ([`ec5f10e`](
* coverage and fixes ([`301a8f1`](
* Coverage ([`246339c`](
* coverage ([`95627b1`](
* add missing file ([`aff8ac7`](
* coverage grapheneapi ([`a7f284f`](
* Improve storage ([`fc59295`](
* Use NotImplement Exception in interface ([`ec14267`](
* properly rund coverage ([`38b7862`](
* More abstraction in storage ([`4c42dcf`](
* Improve reporting results ([`37b0c2e`](
* Fix sonarcloud configuration ([`763e166`](
* proper setup of sonarcloud ([`5a5505f`](
* add sonarcloud properties ([`d3c2051`](
* Coverage ([`a4df944`](
* remove irrelevant code ([`cba7f94`](
* Improve coverage ([`36ffd74`](
* Fix that python3.5 uses a random order for dictionaries ([`cf122a7`](
* Add a test to ensure order is taken seriously ([`5af0745`](
* Remove test that would fail in py35 because of different ordering of dictionaries ([`676d879`](
* Improve documentation ([`707c30a`](
* disable py27 tests as library is not ready yet ([`a9f326e`](
* Merge branch &39;develop&39; into feature/operations-refactoring ([`1b85fbe`](
* New cryptography implementation ([`86b099f`](
* improve API of SignedTransactions ([`7f3e059`](
* more docs ([`c600479`](
* include requirements.txt ([`6da96a6`](
* Ensure operations is a list of instances of Operation() ([`7dcbc3f`](
* Do not allow to add a key into the store twice ([`30f2f10`](
* use requirements.txt file ([`434b485`](
* cleanup and coverage ([`3592b3d`](
* migrate some unittests from pybitshares to increase coverage ([`cfbc228`](
* more unit tests ([`1c7cb84`](
* improved testing and better interfaces ([`7c9c0e2`](
* Make Operation a list and cleanup + more unit tests ([`fa2c685`](
* coverage ([`e9a4db7`](
* coverage masterpassword ([`dddee40`](
* new operations structure ([`84a3d21`](
* initial refactoring ([`6819e50`](
* Migrate storage over to Graphenelib ([`cb969ac`](
* fix unit tests as we derive actual addresses according to backend (for sorting of pubkeys) ([`090dc19`](
* Ensure we still use the other format when sorting public keys (which uses the address of a publickey, but derived differently) ([`99c5c15`](
* Allow to load encrypt with string too ([`26c9878`](
* Merge tag &39;0.6.6&39; into develop