
Latest version: v1.6.1

Safety actively analyzes 688345 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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a5c4ed5 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch &39;release/0.6.1&39;
f58b5a1 (release/0.6.1) version bump
be624d6 (origin/develop, develop) Merge branch &39;holgern-fasten_ecdsa&39; into develop
f8ed1a3 (holgern-fasten_ecdsa) Fix python2 support for ecdsa
cd36b86 [ssl] validate SSL certs against mitm (fix 60)
4dedfb1 [rpc] implement next() calls
c63b322 Revert &34;travis adds py3.6&34;
2b94c9c travis adds py3.6
1452215 fix ecdsa test
37a1d42 [exception] move exceptions into separated module
f5912e1 [ssl] validate SSL certs against mitm (fix 60)
b5f098a [rpc] implement next() calls
fae024d Revert &34;travis adds py3.6&34;
0c6b86a travis adds py3.6
f632cfd fix ecdsa test
32b9ae1 [exception] move exceptions into separated module
18cd04d Add unit test for cryptography and secp256k1
52c8914 Remove wrong line
56f8217 Improve sign and verify speed by 200% if secp256k1 is not installed
d89cbc0 travis and tox updates
f3da0a5 RPC cleanup
1c91ca9 Merge tag &39;0.6.0&39; into develop ([`2b57393`](

* Merge branch &39;release/0.6.1&39; ([`a5c4ed5`](

* version bump ([`f58b5a1`](

* Merge branch &39;holgern-fasten_ecdsa&39; into develop ([`be624d6`](

* Fix python2 support for ecdsa ([`f8ed1a3`](

* [ssl] validate SSL certs against mitm (fix 60) ([`cd36b86`](

* [rpc] implement next() calls ([`4dedfb1`](

* Revert &34;travis adds py3.6&34;

This reverts commit 0c6b86aa55f07980035042bfcb63fd1a6e6decb5. ([`c63b322`](

* travis adds py3.6 ([`2b94c9c`](

* fix ecdsa test ([`1452215`](

* [exception] move exceptions into separated module ([`37a1d42`](

* [ssl] validate SSL certs against mitm (fix 60) ([`f5912e1`](

* [rpc] implement next() calls ([`b5f098a`](

* Revert &34;travis adds py3.6&34;

This reverts commit 0c6b86aa55f07980035042bfcb63fd1a6e6decb5. ([`fae024d`](

* travis adds py3.6 ([`0c6b86a`](

* fix ecdsa test ([`f632cfd`](

* [exception] move exceptions into separated module ([`32b9ae1`](

* Add unit test for cryptography and secp256k1 ([`18cd04d`](

* Remove wrong line ([`52c8914`](

* Improve sign and verify speed by 200% if secp256k1 is not installed

* unit test for ecdsa fixed ([`56f8217`](

* travis and tox updates ([`d89cbc0`](

* RPC cleanup ([`f3da0a5`](

* Merge tag &39;0.6.0&39; into develop


Not secure
e0e6449 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch &39;release/0.6.0&39;
488cd3d (release/0.6.0) version bump
af4b58c (develop) Rename ECDSA and add new API calls thru HTTP
8add73e (origin/develop) fix unittest
3fc7057 Initial work for python2.7 compatiblity ([`1c91ca9`](

* Merge branch &39;release/0.6.0&39; ([`e0e6449`](

* version bump ([`488cd3d`](

* Rename ECDSA and add new API calls thru HTTP ([`af4b58c`](

* fix unittest ([`8add73e`](

* Initial work for python2.7 compatiblity ([`3fc7057`](

* update scrypt to 0.8.6 (61)

* update scrypt to 0.8.6
allow pycryptodomex
remove pycrypto from test req.
* pycrytodomex removed
* revert test req.
* First check if cryptodome is there and then check if Crypto is available ([`f9201a8`](

* Merge branch &39;release/0.5.9&39; ([`66732ca`](

* version bump ([`cbd1b38`](

* Revert &34;[serialization] use signed integer when serializing PointInTime&34;

This reverts commit b5cf2f98724e589fb9d709f26693436a63bfcb26. ([`bc10ea5`](

* Merge tag &39;0.5.8&39; into develop


Not secure
a2ec91d (HEAD -> master) Merge branch &39;release/0.5.8&39;
17105bb (release/0.5.8) version bump
b5cf2f9 (develop) [serialization] use signed integer when serializing PointInTime
c37587c (origin/develop) tox update
20eb6ad Merge tag &39;0.5.7&39; into develop ([`8d9bc8c`](

* Merge branch &39;release/0.5.8&39; ([`a2ec91d`](

* version bump ([`17105bb`](

* [serialization] use signed integer when serializing PointInTime ([`b5cf2f9`](

* tox update ([`c37587c`](

* Merge tag &39;0.5.7&39; into develop


Not secure
cd45273 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch &39;release/0.5.7&39;
bd3a74b (release/0.5.7) version bump
820b791 (develop) more ignores
d1160ac [txid] allow to derive the tx id from signed tx objects
920ab69 (origin/develop) cleanup Makefile
e224c37 Merge tag &39;0.5.6&39; into develop ([`20eb6ad`](

* Merge branch &39;release/0.5.7&39; ([`cd45273`](

* version bump ([`bd3a74b`](

* more ignores ([`820b791`](

* [txid] allow to derive the tx id from signed tx objects ([`d1160ac`](

* cleanup Makefile ([`920ab69`](

* Merge tag &39;0.5.6&39; into develop


Not secure
03c2916 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch &39;release/0.5.6&39;
64030f9 (release/0.5.6) linting
ca1e0e2 version bump
7a1d47b (origin/develop, develop) [ecdsa] separate message signing from transaction signing
b0eda17 Merge tag &39;0.5.5&39; into develop ([`e224c37`](

* Merge branch &39;release/0.5.6&39; ([`03c2916`](

* linting ([`64030f9`](

* version bump ([`ca1e0e2`](

* [ecdsa] separate message signing from transaction signing ([`7a1d47b`](

* Merge tag &39;0.5.5&39; into develop


Not secure

dc48575 (develop) [setup] Install cryptodome ([`b0eda17`](

* Merge branch &39;release/0.5.5&39; ([`ccee702`](

* version bump ([`a847fab`](

* [setup] Install cryptodome ([`dc48575`](

* Merge tag &39;0.5.4&39; into develop

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