--((**BROKEN** because wheel in *PyPi* is missing ``sphinxext`` package))--
+ FEAT(PLOT,SITE): Sphinx extension for plotting graph-diagrams as zoomable SVGs (default),
PNGs (with link maps), PDFs, etc.
+ replace pre-plotted diagrams with dynamic ones.
+ deps: sphinx >=2; split (optional) matplolib dependencies from graphviz.
+ test: install and use Sphinx's harness for testing site features & extensions.
+ ENH(op): fail early if 1st argument of `operation` is not a callable.
+ enh(plot): possible to control the name of the graph, in the result DOT-language
(it was stuck to ``'G'`` before).
+ upd(conf): detailed object representations are enabled by new configuration
``debug`` flag (instead of piggybacking on ``logger.DEBUG``).
+ enh(site):
+ links-to-sources resolution function was discarding parent object
if it could not locate the exact position in the sources;
+ TC: launch site building in pytest interpreter, to control visibility of logs & stdout;
+ add index pages, linked from TOCs.