+ BREAK(NETOP): ``compose(method="parallel") --> compose(parallel=None/False/True)``
and DROP ``netop.set_execution_method(method)``; :term:`parallel` now also controlled
with the global :func:`.set_parallel_tasks()` :term:`configurations` function.
+ feat(jetsam): report `task` executed in raised exceptions.
+ break(netop): rename ``netop.narrowed() --> withset()`` toi mimic ``Operation``
+ break: rename flags:
- ``reschedule --> rescheduleD``
- ``marshal --> marshalLED``.
+ break: rename global configs, as context-managers:
- ``marshal_parallel_tasks --> tasks_marshalled``
- ``endure_operations --> operations_endured``
+ FIX(net, plan,.TC): global skip :term:`eviction`\\s flag were not fully obeyed
(was untested).
+ FIX(OP): revamped zipping of function `outputs` with expected `provides`,
for all combinations of rescheduled, ``NO_RESULT`` & :term:`returns dictionary`
+ configs:
+ refact: extract configs in their own module.
+ refact: make all global flags tri-state (``None, False, True``),
allowing to "force" operation flags when not `None`.
All default to ``None`` (false).
+ ENH(net, sol, logs): include a "solution-id" in revamped log messages,
to facilitate developers to discover issues when multiple `netops`
are running concurrently.
Heavily enhanced log messages make sense to the reader of all actions performed.
+ ENH(plot): set toolltips with ``repr(op)`` to view all operation flags.
+ FIX(TCs): close process-pools; now much more TCs for parallel combinations
of threaded, process-pool & marshalled.
+ ENH(netop,net): possible to abort many netops at once, by resetting abort flag
on every call of :meth:`.Pipeline.compute()`
(instead of on the first stopped `netop`).
+ FEAT(SOL): :meth:`.scream_if_incomplete()` will raise the new
:class:`.IncompleteExecutionError` exception if failures/partial-outs
of endured/rescheduled operations prevented all operations to complete;
exception message details causal errors and conditions.
+ feat(build): +``all`` extras.
+ FAIL: x2 multi-threaded TCs fail spuriously with "inverse dag edges":
+ ``test_multithreading_plan_execution()``
+ ``test_multi_threading_computes()``
both marked as ``xfail``.