What's Changed
* [INTERNAL] Update release controller branch info by rrx
* [FIX] set_globals for DataDesignerWorkflow by mckornfield, drew
* [TASK] Add pagination to gretel workflows list CLI call by drew
* [INTERNAL] File API SDK by Jeesh96
* [INTERNAL|FEATURE] CLI and SDK Enterprise Tenant Selection by TaylorMutch
* [INTERNAL] Update tenant data by rrx
* [INTERNAL] Update release controller by rrx
* [INTERNAL] Update gretel client - working for dev by rrx
* [TASK] Update GenerateColumnFromTemplate task by eric-tramel, nabinchha
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/gretelai/gretel-python-client/compare/v0.24.6...v0.24.7