What's changed
- Add parent requirements.txt to the gretel-client RTD venv matthewgrossman 35a89e9
- Add _static/styles.css which should fix search, and be more onbrand matthewgrossman 3b341d1
- Allow user to use any number of rows or columns for reports tylersbray fef652d
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme matthewgrossman 83debf1
- Missing import statement and wiring tylersbray 387b6f5
- Relax pyyaml pin for gretel-client mckornfield 5c3e3a3
- Update README badges mckornfield 9f5ebcd
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/gretelai/gretel-python-client/compare/v0.16.9...v0.16.10