- `griptape.configs.logging.JsonFormatter` for formatting logs as JSON.
- Request/response debug logging to all Prompt Drivers.
- `griptape.schemas.UnionField` for serializing union fields.
- `BaseEventListener.flush_events()` to flush events from an Event Listener.
- Exponential backoff to `BaseEventListenerDriver` for retrying failed event publishing.
- `BaseTask.task_outputs` to get a dictionary of all task outputs. This has been added to `Workflow.context` and `Pipeline.context`.
- `Chat.input_fn` for customizing the input to the Chat utility.
- `GriptapeCloudFileManagerDriver` for managing files on Griptape Cloud.
- `BaseFileManagerDriver.load_artifact()` & `BaseFileManagerDriver.save_artifact()` for loading & saving artifacts as files.
- Events `BaseChunkEvent`, `TextChunkEvent`, `ActionChunkEvent`.
- `wrapt` dependency for more robust decorators.
- `BasePromptDriver.extra_params` for passing extra parameters not explicitly declared by the Driver.
- `RunnableMixin` which adds `on_before_run` and `on_after_run` hooks.
- `griptape.utils.with_contextvars` utility for running functions with the current `contextvars` context.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `BaseEventListenerDriver.publish_event` `flush` argument. Use `BaseEventListenerDriver.flush_events()` instead.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed parameter `driver` on `EventListener` to `event_listener_driver`.
- **BREAKING**: Updated `EventListener.handler` return value behavior.
- If `EventListener.handler` returns `None`, the event will not be published to the `event_listener_driver`.
- If `EventListener.handler` is None, the event will be published to the `event_listener_driver` as-is.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `CompletionChunkEvent`.
- **BREAKING**: Moved `griptape.common.observable.observable` to `griptape.common.decorators.observable`.
- **BREAKING**: `AnthropicDriversConfig` no longer bundles `VoyageAiEmbeddingDriver`.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `HuggingFaceHubPromptDriver.params`, use `HuggingFaceHubPromptDriver.extra_params` instead.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `HuggingFacePipelinePromptDriver.params`, use `HuggingFacePipelinePromptDriver.extra_params` instead.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `` to `BaseTask.try_run`.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `BaseTask.execute` to ``.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `BaseTask.can_execute` to `BaseTool.can_run`.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `` to `BaseTool.try_run`.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `BaseTool.execute` to ``.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed callables throughout the framework for consistency:
- Renamed `LocalStructureRunDriver.structure_factory_fn` to `LocalStructureRunDriver.create_structure`.
- Renamed `SnowflakeSqlDriver.connection_func` to `SnowflakeSqlDriver.get_connection`.
- Renamed `CsvLoader.formatter_fn` to `CsvLoader.format_row`.
- Renamed `SqlLoader.formatter_fn` to `SqlLoader.format_row`.
- Renamed `CsvExtractionEngine.system_template_generator` to `CsvExtractionEngine.generate_system_template`.
- Renamed `CsvExtractionEngine.user_template_generator` to `CsvExtractionEngine.generate_user_template`.
- Renamed `JsonExtractionEngine.system_template_generator` to `JsonExtractionEngine.generate_system_template`.
- Renamed `JsonExtractionEngine.user_template_generator` to `JsonExtractionEngine.generate_user_template`.
- Renamed `PromptResponseRagModule.generate_system_template` to `PromptResponseRagModule.generate_system_template`.
- Renamed `PromptTask.generate_system_template` to `PromptTask.generate_system_template`.
- Renamed `ToolkitTask.generate_assistant_subtask_template` to `ToolkitTask.generate_assistant_subtask_template`.
- Renamed `JsonSchemaRule.template_generator` to `JsonSchemaRule.generate_template`.
- Renamed `ToolkitTask.generate_user_subtask_template` to `ToolkitTask.generate_user_subtask_template`.
- Renamed `TextLoaderRetrievalRagModule.process_query_output_fn` to `TextLoaderRetrievalRagModule.process_query_output`.
- Renamed `FuturesExecutorMixin.futures_executor_fn` to `FuturesExecutorMixin.create_futures_executor`.
- Renamed `VectorStoreTool.process_query_output_fn` to `VectorStoreTool.process_query_output`.
- Renamed `CodeExecutionTask.run_fn` to `CodeExecutionTask.on_run`.
- Renamed `Chat.input_fn` to `Chat.handle_input`.
- Renamed `Chat.output_fn` to `Chat.handle_output`.
- Renamed `EventListener.handler` to `EventListener.on_event`.
- Updated `EventListener.handler` return type to `Optional[BaseEvent | dict]`.
- `BaseTask.parent_outputs` type has changed from `dict[str, str | None]` to `dict[str, BaseArtifact]`.
- `Workflow.context["parent_outputs"]` type has changed from `dict[str, str | None]` to `dict[str, BaseArtifact]`.
- `Pipeline.context["parent_output"]` has changed type from `str | None` to `BaseArtifact | None`.
- `_DefaultsConfig.logging_config` and `Defaults.drivers_config` are now lazily instantiated.
- `griptape.schemas.BaseSchema` now uses `griptape.schemas.UnionField` for `Union` fields.
- `BaseTask.add_parent`/`BaseTask.add_child` now only add the parent/child task to the structure if it is not already present.
- `BaseEventListener.flush_events()` to flush events from an Event Listener.
- `BaseEventListener` no longer requires a thread lock for batching events.
- Updated `ToolkitTask` system prompt to retry/fix actions when using native tool calling.
- `Chat` input now uses a slightly customized version of `Rich.prompt.Prompt` by default.
- `Chat` output now uses `Rich.print` by default.
- `Chat.output_fn`'s now takes an optional kwarg parameter, `stream`.
- Implemented `SerializableMixin` in `Structure`, `BaseTask`, `BaseTool`, and `TaskMemory`
- `activity` decorated functions can now accept kwargs that are defined in the activity schema.
- Updated `ToolkitTask` system prompt to no longer mention `memory_name` and `artifact_namespace`.
- Models in `ToolkitTask` with native tool calling no longer need to provide their final answer as `Answer:`.
- `EventListener.event_types` will now listen on child types of any provided type.
- Only install Tool dependencies if the Tool provides a `requirements.txt` and the dependencies are not already met.
- Implemented `RunnableMixin` in `Structure`, `BaseTask`, and `BaseTool`.
- `EventBus`'s Event Listeners are now thread/coroutine-local. Event Listeners from the spawning thread will be automatically copied when using concurrent griptape features like Workflows.
- Structures not flushing events when not listening for `FinishStructureRunEvent`.
- `EventListener.event_types` and the argument to `BaseEventListenerDriver.handler` being out of sync.
- Models occasionally hallucinating `memory_name` and `artifact_namespace` into Tool schemas when using `ToolkitTask`.
- Models occasionally providing overly succinct final answers when using `ToolkitTask`.
- Exception getting raised in `FuturesExecutorMixin.__del__`.
- Issues when using `EventListener` as a context manager in a multi-threaded environment.