
Latest version: v1.0.1

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- `Workflow` threads not being properly cleaned up after completion.
- Crash when `ToolAction`s were missing output due to an `ActionsSubtask` exception.



- Remove `BaseTextArtifact`, revert `CsvRowArtifact` to subclass `TextArtifact`.


- Missing extra for `drivers-text-to-speech-elevenlabs`.



- Native function calling support to `OpenAiChatPromptDriver`, `AzureOpenAiChatPromptDriver`, `AnthropicPromptDriver`, `AmazonBedrockPromptDriver`, `GooglePromptDriver`, `OllamaPromptDriver`, and `CoherePromptDriver`.
- `OllamaEmbeddingDriver` for generating embeddings with Ollama.
- `GriptapeCloudKnowledgeBaseVectorStoreDriver` to query Griptape Cloud Knowledge Bases.
- `GriptapeCloudEventListenerDriver.api_key` defaults to the value in the `GT_CLOUD_API_KEY` environment variable.
- `BaseObservabilityDriver` as the base class for all Observability Drivers.
- `DummyObservabilityDriver` as a no-op Observability Driver.
- `OpenTelemetryObservabilityDriver` for sending observability data to an open telemetry collector or vendor.
- `GriptapeCloudObservabilityDriver` for sending observability data to Griptape Cloud.
- `DatadogObservabilityDriver` for sending observability data to a Datadog Agent.
- `Observability` context manager for enabling observability and configuring which Observability Driver to use.
- `observable` decorator for selecting which functions/methods to provide observability for.
- `GenericArtifact` for storing any data.
- `BaseTextArtifact` for text-based Artifacts to subclass.
- `HuggingFacePipelineImageGenerationDriver` for generating images locally with HuggingFace pipelines.
- `BaseImageGenerationPipelineDriver` as the base class for drivers interfacing with HuggingFace image generation pipelines.
- `StableDiffusion3ImageGenerationPipelineDriver` for local text-to-image generation using a Stable Diffusion 3 pipeline.
- `StableDiffusion3Img2ImgImageGenerationPipelineDriver` for local image-to-image generation using a Stable Diffusion 3 pipeline.
- `StableDiffusion3ControlNetImageGenerationPipelineDriver` for local ControlNet image generation using a Stable Diffusion 3 pipeline.
- Optional `params` field to `WebSearch`'s `search` schema that the LLM can be steered into using.


- **BREAKING**: `BaseVectorStoreDriver.upsert_text_artifacts` optional arguments are now keyword-only arguments.
- **BREAKING**: `BaseVectorStoreDriver.upsert_text_artifact` optional arguments are now keyword-only arguments.
- **BREAKING**: `BaseVectorStoreDriver.upsert_text` optional arguments are now keyword-only arguments.
- **BREAKING**: `BaseVectorStoreDriver.does_entry_exist` optional arguments are now keyword-only arguments.
- **BREAKING**: `BaseVectorStoreDriver.load_artifacts` optional arguments are now keyword-only arguments.
- **BREAKING**: `BaseVectorStoreDriver.upsert_vector` optional arguments are now keyword-only arguments.
- **BREAKING**: `BaseVectorStoreDriver.query` optional arguments are now keyword-only arguments.
- **BREAKING**: `EventListener.publish_event`'s `flush` argument is now a keyword-only argument.
- **BREAKING**: `BaseEventListenerDriver.publish_event`'s `flush` argument is now a keyword-only argument.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `DummyException` to `DummyError` for pep8 naming compliance.
- **BREAKING**: Migrate to `sqlalchemy` 2.0.
- **BREAKING**: Make `sqlalchemy` an optional dependency.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `drivers-sql-redshift` to `drivers-sql-amazon-redshift`
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `drivers-prompt-huggingface` extra to `drivers-prompt-huggingface-hub`.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `drivers-vector-postgresql` extra to `drivers-vector-pgvector`.
- **BREAKING**: Update `marqo` dependency to `^3.7.0`.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `drivers-sql-postgresql` extra. Use `drivers-sql` extra and install necessary drivers (i.e. `psycopg2`) separately.
- **BREAKING**: `api_key` and `search_id` are now required fields in `GoogleWebSearchDriver`.
- **BREAKING**: `web_search_driver` is now required fields in the `WebSearch` Tool.
- `GoogleWebSearchDriver` and `DuckDuckGoWebSearchDriver` now use `kwargs` passed to the `run` method.
- Removed unnecessary `sqlalchemy-redshift` dependency in `drivers-sql-amazon-redshift` extra.
- Removed unnecessary `transformers` dependency in `drivers-prompt-huggingface` extra.
- Removed unnecessary `huggingface-hub` dependency in `drivers-prompt-huggingface-pipeline` extra.
- `CsvRowArtifact` now inherits from `BaseTextArtifact`.
- `TextArtifact` now inherits from `BaseTextArtifact`.


- Parameter `count` for `QdrantVectorStoreDriver.query` now optional as per documentation.
- Path issues on Windows with `LocalFileManagerDriver` and `AmazonS3FileManagerDriver`.



- Conversation Memory being incorrectly inserted into the `PromptTask.prompt_stack` when no system content is present.



- Sending empty system content in `PromptTask`.
- Throttling issues with `DuckDuckGoWebSearchDriver`.



- `RagEngine` is an abstraction for implementing modular RAG pipelines.
- `RagContext` is a container object for passing around RAG context.
- RAG stages:
- `QueryRagStage` for parsing and expanding queries.
- `RetrievalRagStage` for retrieving content.
- `ResponseRagStage` for augmenting and generating outputs.
- RAG modules:
- Retrieval:
- `VectorStoreRetrievalRagModule` for retrieving text chunks from vector stores.
- `TextLoaderRetrievalRagModule` for retrieving data with text loaders in real time.
- `TextChunksRerankRagModule` for re-ranking retrieved results.
- Response:
- `MetadataBeforeResponseRagModule` for appending metadata.
- `RulesetsBeforeResponseRagModule` for appending rulesets.
- `PromptResponseRagModule` for generating responses based on retrieved text chunks.
- `TextChunksResponseRagModule` for responding with retrieved text chunks.
- `FootnotePromptResponseRagModule` for responding with automatic footnotes from text chunk references.
- `RagClient` tool for exposing `RagEngines` to LLM agents.
- `RagTask` task for including `RagEngines` in any structure.
- Rerank drivers:
- `CohereRerankDriver` for using the Cohere rerank API.
- `utils.execute_futures_list()` for executing a list of futures.
- `LocalVectorStoreDriver.persist_file` for persisting vectors and chunks in a text file.
- `Entry.to_artifact()` for easy vector store entry conversions into Griptape artifacts.
- `BaseVectorStoreDriver.does_entry_exist()` to check if an entry exists in the vector store.
- `GoogleWebSearchDriver` to web search with the Google Customsearch API.
- `DuckDuckGoWebSearchDriver` to web search with the DuckDuckGo search SDK.
- `ProxyWebScraperDriver` to web scrape using proxies.
- Parameter `session` on `AmazonBedrockStructureConfig`.
- Parameter `meta` on `TextArtifact`.
- `VectorStoreClient` improvements:
- `VectorStoreClient.query_params` dict for custom query params.
- `VectorStoreClient.process_query_output_fn` for custom query output processing logic.
- Parameter `fail_fast` to `Structure`.
- `BooleanArtifact` for handling boolean values.
- `typos` to dev dependencies to catch typos in code/docs.
- `Message` for storing messages in a `PromptStack`. Messages consist of a role, content, and usage.
- `DeltaMessage` for storing partial messages in a `PromptStack`. Multiple `DeltaMessage` can be combined to form a `Message`.
- `TextMessageContent` for storing textual content in a `Message`.
- `ImageMessageContent` for storing image content in a `Message`.
- Support for adding `TextArtifact`s, `ImageArtifact`s, and `ListArtifact`s to `PromptStack`.
- Support for image inputs to `OpenAiChatPromptDriver`, `AzureOpenAiChatPromptDriver`, `AmazonBedrockPromptDriver`, `AnthropicPromptDriver`, and `GooglePromptDriver`.
- Input/output token usage metrics to all Prompt Drivers.
- `FinishPromptEvent.input_token_count` and `FinishPromptEvent.output_token_count`.
- Support for storing Artifacts as inputs/outputs in Conversation Memory Runs.
- `Agent.input` for passing Artifacts as input.
- Support for `PromptTask`s to take `TextArtifact`s, `ImageArtifact`s, and `ListArtifact`s as input.
- Parameters `sort_key` and `sort_key_value` on `AmazonDynamoDbConversationMemoryDriver` for tables with sort keys.
- `Reference` for supporting artifact citations in loaders and RAG engine modules.


- **BREAKING**: Moved/renamed `griptape.utils.PromptStack` to `griptape.common.PromptStack`.
- **BREAKING**: Renamed `PromptStack.inputs` to `PromptStack.messages`.
- **BREAKING**: Moved `PromptStack.USER_ROLE`, `PromptStack.ASSISTANT_ROLE`, and `PromptStack.SYSTEM_ROLE` to `Message`.
- **BREAKING**: Updated return type of `PromptDriver.try_run` from `TextArtifact` to `Message`.
- **BREAKING**: Updated return type of `PromptDriver.try_stream` from `Iterator[TextArtifact]` to `Iterator[DeltaMessage]`.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `BasePromptEvent.token_count` in favor of `FinishPromptEvent.input_token_count` and `FinishPromptEvent.output_token_count`.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `StartPromptEvent.prompt`. Use `StartPromptEvent.prompt_stack` instead.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `Agent.input_template` in favor of `Agent.input`.
- **BREAKING**: `` now returns a `Message` instead of a `TextArtifact`. For compatibility, `Message.value` contains the Message's Artifact value
- **BREAKING**: `BaseVectorStoreDriver.upsert_text_artifact()` and `BaseVectorStoreDriver.upsert_text()` use artifact/string values to generate `vector_id` if it wasn't implicitly passed. This change ensures that we don't generate embeddings for the same content every time.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `VectorQueryEngine` in favor of `RagEngine`.
- **BREAKING**: Removed `TextQueryTask` in favor of `RagTask`.
- **BREAKING**: `TextArtifactStorage` now requires `vector_store_driver` and `rag_engine` in place of `vector_query_engine`.
- **BREAKING**: Moved `load_artifacts()` from `BaseQueryEngine` to `BaseVectorStoreDriver`.
- **BREAKING**: Merged `BaseVectorStoreDriver.QueryResult` into `BaseVectorStoreDriver.Entry`.
- **BREAKING**: Replaced `query_engine` with `vector_store_driver` in `VectorStoreClient`.
- **BREAKING**: removed parameters `google_api_lang`, `google_api_key`, `google_api_search_id`, `google_api_country` on `WebSearch` in favor of `web_search_driver`.
- **BREAKING**: removed `VectorStoreClient.top_n` and `VectorStoreClient.namespace` in favor of `VectorStoreClient.query_params`.
- **BREAKING**: All `futures_executor` fields renamed to `futures_executor_fn` and now accept callables instead of futures; wrapped all future `submit` calls with the `with` block to address future executor shutdown issues.
- `GriptapeCloudKnowledgeBaseClient` migrated to `/search` api.
- Default Prompt Driver model in `GoogleStructureConfig` to `gemini-1.5-pro`.


- `CoherePromptDriver` to properly handle empty history.
- `StructureVisualizer.to_url()` by wrapping task IDs in single quotes.

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