* (guidata) Dark mode may now be overriden by QT_COLOR_MODE environment variable
* Cross sections: added label to cross section curves, depending on the marker position (e.g. "Cross section x=23.3"). This is a requested feature for CodraFT (<https://pypi.org/project/CodraFT/>).
Bug fixes:
* Fixed ValueError with Levels histogram (occuring when removing an image item from plot if histogram has not yet been created)
* Fixed cross section "peritem mode" disabled bug with multiple image items (this bug is at least 10 years old... time passes by)
* Fixed Python 3.10/PyQt5 compatibility issues
* Added support for PySide6 * Fixed remaining Python 3 compatibility issues
* Removed support for Python 2.7 and PyQt4 (guidata supports Python >=3.6 and PyQt5, PySide2, PyQt6, PySide6 through QtPy 2) * Added support for dark theme mode on Windows (including windows title bar background), MacOS and GNU/Linux.
* guiqwt now requires guidata >=v1.9. * Removed spyderlib dependency (embedded console now provided by guidata). * Added support for dark theme mode on Windows (including windows title bar background), MacOS and GNU/Linux.
Bug fixes:
* CrossSectionTool: enable tool only if there are actually image items on canvas
* Added load test (eventually highlights high CPU usage with guiqwt.ImageWidget, this issue was solved with PythonQwt v0.9.1 bugfix release)
Bug fixes:
* Fixed io.imwrite TIFF support * Fixed image.get_items_in_rectangle function: item_type parameter was ignored