* Added support for more TIFF file formats using "tifffile" package when available * Speeding-up image alpha channel calculation (avoid slow NumPy "clip") * Image/colormap icons: now using exclusively the icon cache (optimization)
Bug fixes:
* Fixed error when adding item at specific Z-value after deleting items around that Z
* Added PySide2 support: guiqwt is now compatible with Python 2.7, Python 3.4+, PyQt4, PyQt5 and PySide2!
* Fixed `AnnotatedShape.move_with_selection` (traceback: `AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'SIG_ANNOTATION_CHANGED'`) * Image contrast panel: histogram was not removed properly when deleting the associated image item * Fixed `BasePlot.add_item_with_z_offset method` when existing items are not shown in a continuously increasing z order * Interactive tools: fixed `SIG_VALIDATE_TOOL` invalid parameters
Other changes:
* Added a new demo [dotarraydemo.py](guiqwt/tests/dotarraydemo.py) showing how to create a custom item drawing an array of dots * Documentation is now built into the "build/doctmp" directory, hence allowing to reuse the previous built doc from a package build to another * `plot.CurveWidgetMixin.create_plot` has now the same signature as its `ImageWidgetMixin` counterpart
Bug fixes:
* I/O: fixed support for DICOM (supporting pydicom 0.9.5+ and 1.0)