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- Package data is now included again. [128](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/128)


- Option to pass custom loader object to `driver` with parameter `loader`. [105](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/105)
- Default port for `accessory_driver.port = 51234`. [105](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/105)

- The `loader` object is now stored in the `driver` and can be accessed through `driver.loader`. [105](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/105)
- Use the `Accessory.run_at_interval` decorator for the `run` method, instead of `while True: sleep(x); do_stuff()`. [124](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/124)

Breaking Changes
- The `driver` doesn't take the top `accessory` anymore. Instead it's added through `driver.add_accessory()` after the initialization. [105](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/105)
- All `driver` init parameter are now required to be passed as keywords. [105](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/105)
- Any `accessory` needs the `driver` object for its initialization, passed as first argument. [105](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/105)
- Removed class `AsyncAccessory`. All of its methods are now fully integrated into the `Accessory` class. `run`, `stop` can be either normal or async methods and `run_at_interval` works with both as well. [124](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/124)

- Removed `acc.set_driver()` and `acc.set_sentinel()` methods. `acc.run_sentinel`, `acc.aio_stop_event` and `acc.loop` are now accessed through `acc.driver.xxx`. `run_sentinel` is changed to `stop_event`. [105](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/105)
- Added scripts for `setup` and `release`. [125](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/125)
- Added `async` helper methods and restructured `start` and `stop` methods for `async` conversion. [124](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/124)


- Added `getter_callback` to Characteristics. [90](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/90)
- The `pincode` can now be assigned as a parameter for the driver. [120](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/120)

- Improved documentation for version `2.0.0`. [114](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/114)

- The `accessory` and `bridge` parameter `mac` and `pincode` are now deprecated. [120](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/120)
- `Accessory.config_changed`, use `driver.config_changed` instead. [120](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/120)
- `Accessory.paired`, use `driver.state.paired` instead. [120](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/120)

- Typo in log message in `accessory_driver.stop`. [112](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/112)

Breaking Changes
- Moved all accessories from `pyhap.accessories` to an `accessories` folder at the root of the project. [115](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/115)
- Removed unused method `accessory.create`. [117](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/117)
- Removed `iid_manager` and `setup_id` parameter from `accessory` and `bridge` `init` calls. [117](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/117)

- The `driver` event loop name changed from `event_loop` to `loop`. [107](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/107)
- `pyhap.accessories` is now a native namespace package. See `pyhap/accessories/README.md` for details on how to integrate third party Accessories. [115](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/115)
- Added static code checks. To run them locally use `tox -e lint` and `tox -e pylint`. [118](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/118)
- Added `State` helper class to keep track of (semi-)static information. [120](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/120)
- Variables that are related to pairing and storing static information have been moved to `driver.state`. That includes from `accessory`: `config_version`, `mac`, `setup_id`, `private_key`, `public_key` and `paired_clients` as well as the `add_paired_client` and `removed_paired_client` methods. For `accessory_driver`: `address` and `port`. [120](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/120)


- New helper methods to run the `run` method repeatedly, until the driver is stopped. `Accessory.repeat(time)` or `AsyncAccessory.repeat(time)`. [74](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/74)
- New helper method `service.configure_char`. Shortcut to configuring a characteristic. [84](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/84)
- Characteristics and Services can now be created from a json dictionary with `from_dict`. [85](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/85)
- Added helper method to enable easy override of the `AccessoryInformation` service. [102](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/102)
- Added helper method to load a service and chars and add it to an accessory. [102](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/102)

- Accessory.run method is now called through an event loop. You can either inherit from `Accessory` like before: The `run` method will be wrapped in a thread. Or inherit from `AsyncAccessory` and implement `async def run`. This will lead to the execution in the event loop. [74](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/74)
- Scripts are now located in a separate directory: `scripts`. [81](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/81)
- `driver.start` starts the event loop with `loop.run_forever()`. [83](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/83)
- Debug logs for `char.set_value` and `char.client_update_value`. [99](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/99)
- Changed default values associated with the `AccessoryInformation` service. [102](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/102)
- `Accessory._set_services` is now deprecated. Instead services should be initialized in the accessories `init` method. [102](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/102)

- Overriding properties now checks that value is still a valid value, otherwise value will be set to the default value. [82](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/82)
- The `AccessoryInformation` service will always have the `iid=1`. [102](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/102)

Breaking Changes
- With introduction of async methods the min required Python version changes to `3.5`. [74](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/74)
- The `Accessory.Category` class was removed and the `Category` constants moved to `pyhap/const.py` with the naming: `CATEGORY_[OLD_NAME]` (e.g. `CATEGORY_OTHER`) [86](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/86)
- Updated `Accessories` to work with changes. [74](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/74), [#89](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/89)
- Renamed `Accessory.broker` to `Accessory.Driver`. `acc.set_broker` is now `acc.set_driver`. [104](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/104)
- QR Code is now optional. It requires `pip install HAP-python[QRCode]`. [103](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/103)
- `Loader.get_serv_loader` and `Loader.get_char_loader` are replaced by `Loader.get_loader`, since it now handles loading chars and services in one class. [108](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/108)

- `to_HAP` methods don't require the `iid_manager` any more [84](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/84), [#85](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/85)
- `Service._add_chars` is now integrated in `Service.add_characteristic` [85](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/85)
- `driver.update_advertisment` is now `driver.update_advertisement` [85](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/85)
- `TypeLoader`, `CharLoader` and `ServiceLoader` are now combined into the `Loader` with the new methods `get_char` and `get_service` to load new chars and services. [85](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/85)
- Moved some constants to `pyhap/const.py` and removed `HAP_FORMAT`, `HAP_UNITS` and `HAP_PERMISSIONS` in favor for `HAP_FORMAT_[OLD_FORMAT]`, etc. [86](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/86)
- Updated tests and added new test dependency `pytest-timeout` [88](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/88)
- Rewrote `IIDManager` and split `IIDManager.remove` into `remove_obj` and `remove_iid`. [100](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/100)
- `requirements.txt` file has been added for min, `requirements_all.txt` covers all requirements. [103](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/103)


Breaking Changes
- `Characteristics` are now initialized with only `display_name`, `type_id` and `properties` as parameter. Removed `value` and `broker`. [73](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/73)
- Split `Characteristic.set_value` method into `set_value` and `client_update_value`. `set_value` is intended to send value updates to HomeKit, it won't call the `setter_callback` anymore. `client_update_value` is now used by the `driver` to update the `value` of the char accordingly and call `setter_callback`. It will also notify any other clients about the value change. [73](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/73)

- Removed `Characteristic.NotConfiguredError`. [73](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/73)
- Updated tests. [73](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/73)
- `Characteristic.to_HAP` doesn't require the `iid_manager` any more. [73](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/73)
- `Characteristic.notify` doesn't check if broker is set anymore. [73](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/73)
- Added helper function `Characteristic._get_default_value`. [73](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/73)
- Added helper function `Characterisitc.to_valid_value`. [73](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/73)


- New method `Characteristic.override_properties`. [66](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/62)
- Added new `Apple-defined` types. Please check the [commit](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/commit/eaccedb8ba5a5a90b71584a477a19aa099e3cf8f) to see which have changed.

- Driver calls `char.set_value` now with `should_notify=True` instead of `False` to notify other clients about the value change as well. [62](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/62)

- Accessories with `AID=7` stopped working [61](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/61). Don't assign it to new accessories.

Breaking Changes
- Default value for `ValidValues` parameter is now the `valid value` with the least value. Mostly `0` or `1`. [57](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/57)
- Removed the deprecated method `char.get_value`. [67](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/67)
- Removed optional characteristics (`Service.opt_characteristics`) from the service characterization. They have been handled similar to `Service.characteristics` internally. They are still part of `pyhap/resources/services.json` however. [67](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/67)
- Updated the `Apple-defined` types. Unsupported once have been removed. Please check the [commit](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/commit/eaccedb8ba5a5a90b71584a477a19aa099e3cf8f) to see which have changed.

- Removed `Characteristic._create_hap_template()` and merged it into `Characteristic.to_HAP`. [66](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/66)
- Removed `char.has_valid_values` and replaced it with runtime checks. [66](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/66)
- Added a `requirements_all.txt` file. [65](https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python/pull/65)

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