- Windows: migrate from SetupApi to CfgMgr32 (362) - as per [recommendation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/install/porting-from-setupapi-to-cfgmgr32) from Microsoft;
- Windows: add `hid_winapi_get_container_id` WinAPI-specific function (379);
- Windows: improved error messages (388);
- Windows: fixed out-of-boundary memory access for some of the function (418);
- windows: Add .rc (415);
- macOS: add `hid_darwin_get_location_id` macOS-specific function (378);
- macOS: add macOS-specific function(s) to open device(s) in non-exclusive mode (397);
- libusb: improved CMake dependency on Iconv (405) - as a result, better support for NetBSD;
- general: documentation improvements;
- general: small code cleanups/improvements;
Released hidapi-win.zip includes pre-compiled:
- hidapi.dll
- hidapi.lib
For x86 and x64 Windows platforms.
And header file(s) for it.