- Windows: improved/fixed enumeration/HID class detection (235);
- Windows: fix device info fetch for Bluetooth LE HID devices (309);
- Windows: correct number of bytes returned by `hid_get_feature_report`/`hid_get_input_report` for numbered reports (286, 232, 334);
- hidraw: (explicit) workaround to allow build with kernels older than 2.6.39 (260);
- macOS: droped support of macOS 10.5 and earlier (121);
- macOS: stabilize device path (use IORegistryEntryGetRegistryEntryID) (322)
- libusb: stabilize device path (uses same semantic as Linux kernel) (291);
- libusb: add platform-specific `hid_libusb_wrap_sys_device` (280);
- general: lots of documentation improvements;
- general: (Windows) DDK build files are obsolete;
- general: add **CMake build system**;
- general: _deprecated Autotools_ build scripts;
- lots of other small fixes and improvements;
NOTE: Starting with this release _Autotools_ build scripts for HIDAPI are _deprecated_ and going to be _obsolete in near future_.
All users of HIDAPI should switch to CMake build scripts instead.
Released hidapi-win.zip includes pre-compiled:
- hidapi.dll
- hidapi.lib
For x86 and x64 Windows platforms.