
Latest version: v1.10.1

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* **BUGFIX:** Fixed bug in JS literal serialization that would misinterpret strings that
start with ``{``, end with ``}``, and contain a colon (``:``) as an object literal rather
than as a string. (130)




* **ENHANCEMENT:** Align the API to **Highcharts (JS) v.11.2** (127). In particular, this includes:

* Added ``AxisEvents.point_break_out`` property.
* Added ``.node_alignment`` property to ``SankeyOptions`` and ``SankeySeries``.
* Added ``.link_color_mode`` property to ``SankeyOptions`` and ``SankeySeries``.
* Added ``.inactive_other_points`` property to multiple series types.
* Added ``.grouping`` property to Lollipop series type.
* Added ``.low_marker`` property Area Range and Dumbell series types.
* Added ``.show_export_in_progress`` and ``.export_in_progress`` support.
* Added ``.drag`` annotation event support.

* **BUGFIX:** Fixed missing ``.levels`` support in ``TreegraphOptions`` and ``TreegraphSeries``.




* **BUGFIX:** Fixed edge case error when deserializing ``ChartOptions`` using ``.from_dict()``
with a ``dict`` that had been serialized using ``.to_dict()`` which errored on ``.margin``
and ``.spacing`` (124).




* **BUGFIX:** Fixed location of the ``histogram.js`` module and ``bellcurve.js`` module to reflect
latest changes in Highcharts (JS).




* **BUGFIX:** Fixed handling of ``numpy.datetime64`` values in ``DataPointCollection``. (118)




* **MAJOR** performance gains in the ``.to_js_literal()`` method. Implementation seems to
improve performance by 50 - 90%. (51)
* *SIGNIFICANT* performance gains in the ``.to_json()`` method. Implementation seems to
improve performance by 30 - 90%.
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Significantly simplified use of the ``.from_pandas()`` method to support:

* creation of multiple series from one DataFrame in one method call
* creation of series without needing to specify a full property map
* support for creating series by DataFrame row, rather than just by DataFrame column

* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added the ``.from_pandas_in_rows()`` method to support creation of
charts and series from simple two-dimensional DataFrames laid out in rows.
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added one-shot chart creation and rendering from Series objects (89).
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added one-shot chart creation using ``series`` and ``data``/``series_type`` keywords. (90).
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added ``.convert_to()`` convenience method to Series objects (107).
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added ``CallbackFunction.from_python()`` method which converts a Python function
to its JavaScript equivalent using generative AI, with support for both OpenAI and Anthropic (109).
* **BUGFIX:** Fixed instability issues in Jupyter Notebooks, both when operating as a Notebook (outside of
Jupyter Lab) and when saved to a static HTML file (66).


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