* **ENHANCEMENT:** Modified the way that data points are serialized to JavaScript literal objects. Now, they are serialized to a JavaScript array if their configured properties are those that Highcharts (JS) supports in JavaScript array notation. Otherwise, the code falls back to serialize the data point as a JavaScript object literal. This change is intended to improve performance and reduce the size of the serialized data. (77)
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added ``__repr__()`` method for Highcharts Core for Python classes (76).
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added ``__str__()`` method with special handling for difficult-to-read classes (76).
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added ``Chart.get_script_tags()`` to retrieve Javascript ``<script>`` tags (78).
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added ``utility_functions.to_snake_case()`` function.
* **BUGFIX:** Fixed incorrect serialization of datetime and Pandas ``Timestamp`` objects in ``.to_dict()`` and ``.to_json()`` (74).
* **BUGFIX:** Fixed incorrect serialization of ``EnforcedNull`` in ``.to_dict()`` and ``.to_json()`` (75).