This release introduces additional content:
- a new continuous control environment, `racetrack-v0`, where the agent must learn to steer and follow the tracks, while avoiding other vehicles
- a new `"on_road"` layer in the `OccupancyGrid` observation type, which enables the observer to see the drivable space
- a new `"align_to_vehicle_axes"` option in the `OccupancyGrid` observation type, which renders the observation in the local vehicle frame
- a new `DiscreteAction` action type, which discretizes the original `ContinuousAction` type. This allows to do low-level control, but with a small discrete action space (e.g. for DQN). Note that this is different from the `DiscreteMetaAction` type, which implements its own low-level sub-policies.
- new example scripts and notebooks for training agents, such as a PPO continuous control policy for racetrack-v0.
- updated documentation