New versions of CAMB (1.0.0+) seem to run significantly slower by default than previous
versions. This could just be a setting in CAMB that has changed its default. Be aware
of this.
- Added new ``CambGrowth`` growth factor model, which computes the growth using CAMB. This is useful especially when
using w > -1, for which the other growth factor models are inadequate. Solves issue 19 raised by tijmen.
- Added new module ``mass_definitions`` which more robustly deals with various halo mass definitions, and also includes
ability to convert mass functions between different definitions.
- New set of tutorials: quickstart/first plot and a broad overview.
- Added shortcuts to ``halo_overdensity_mean`` and ``halo_overdensity_crit``
- Added ``normalized_filter`` to ``MassFunction`` class to make it easier to use a filter
with a pre-normalized power spectrum.
- Added ``.clone()`` method to all ``Framework`` classes, which gives ability to clone
the current instance (while also changing some parameters).
- When using camb for the transfer function, some cosmologies would lead to a segfault (i.e. when Ob0 or Tcmb0 are not
set explicitly). This now raises a helpful error.
- Fixed bug in ordering of iterator in ``get_hmf``.
- Removed logging, which was redundant.
- Moved from nose to pytest
- Significant overhaul of package structure to more modularised form.
- Added flake8 checks and black formatting
- Moved away from git-flow as it is not easy to use with GitHub.