
Latest version: v3.5.0

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- Corrects the default sigma_8 and n (spectral index) parameters to be from Planck15 (previously
from Planck13), which corresponds to the default cosmology. **NOTE:** this will change user-code
output silently unless sigma_8 and n are explicitly set.


v2.0.0 is a (long overdue) major release with several backward-incompatible changes.
There are several major features still to
come in v2.1.0, which may again be backward incompatible. Though this is not ideal (ideally
backwards-incompatible changes will be restricted to increase in the major version number),
this has been driven by time constraints.

Known issues with this version, to be addressed by the next, are that both scripts (hmf and hmf-fit)
are buggy and untested. Don't use these until the next version unless you're crazy.


- New methods on all frameworks to list all parameters, defaults and current values.
- New general structure for Frameworks and Components makes for simpler delineation and extensibility
- New growth_factor module which adds extensibility to the growth factor calculation
- New transfer_models module which separates the transfer models from the general framework
- New Component which can alter dn/dm in WDM via ad-hoc adjustment
- Added a Prior() abstract base class to the fitting routines
- Added a guess() method to fitting routines
- Added ll() method to Prior classes for future extendibility
- New fit from Ishiyama+2015, Manera+2010 and Pillepich+2009


- Removed nz and z2 from MassFunction. They will return in a later version but better.
- Improved structure for FittingFunction Component, with ``cutmask`` property defining valid mass range. NOTE: the default
MassFunction is no longer to mask values outside the valid range. In fact, the parameter ``cut_fit`` no longer exists.
One can achieve the effect by accessing a relevant array as dndm[MassFunction.hmf.cutmask]
- Renamed some parameters/quantities for more consistency (esp. M --> m)
- No longer dependent on cosmolopy, but rather uses Astropy (v1.0+)
- ``mean_dens`` now ``mean_density0``, as per Astropy
- Added exception to catch when dndm has many NaN values in it.
- Many more tests
- Made the ``cosmo`` class pickleable by cutting out a method and using it as a function instead.
- Added normalise() to Transfer class.
- Updated extensively, and provided new example config files
- Send arbitrary kwargs to downhill solver
- New internal _utils module provides inheritable docstrings


- fixed problem with _gtm method returning nans.
- fixed simple bugs in BBKS and BondEfs transfer models.
- fixes in _cache module
- simple bug when updating sigma_8 fixed.
- Made the EnsembleSampler object pickleable by setting ``__getstate__``
- Major bug fix for EH transfer function without BAO wiggles
- parameter properties now return docstrings





- Better WDM models
- Added SharpK and SharpKEllipsoid filters and overhauled filter system.


- Separated WDM models from main class for extendibility
- Enhanced caching to deal with subclassing


- Minor bugfixes





- Added warning to docstring of _dlnsdlnm and n_eff for non-physical





- Very much updated fitting routines, in class structure
- Made fitting_functions more flexible and model-like.


- Modified get_hmf to be more general
- Moved get_hmf and related functions to ""





- New HALOFIT option for original co-oefficients from Smith+03


- Better Singleton labelling in get_hmf
- Much cleaning of mass function integrations. New separate module for it.
- **IMPORTANT**: Removal of nltm routine altogether, as it is inconsistent.
- **IMPORTANT**: mltm now called rho_ltm, and mgtm called rho_gtm
- **IMPORTANT**: Definition of rho_ltm now assumes all mass is in halos.
- Behroozi-specific modifications moved to Behroozi class
- New property hmf which is the actual class for mf_fit


- Fixed bug in Behroozi fit which caused an infinite recursion
- Tests fixed for new cumulants.


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