* Upgraded dependencies: Flask to 3.x, SQLAlchemy to 2.x. * Fixed issue with `get_env` import from `flask.helpers`, now use `hobbit_core.utils.get_env` . `HOBBIT_ENV` is now only used to determine the configuration file. * Fixed `hobbit_core.db.transaction`.
* Hotfix: lock flask version < 2.3 and pyyaml verison(https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/issues/724)
* Support HOBBIT_RESPONSE_DETAIL config: Default return detail and must set to False in production env. Default is True. Only used in 500 server error response.
* Support use nested=None(`transaction(db.session, nested=None)`) to avoid bug from `flask_sqlalchemy.models_committed` signal.
* Refactor tpl: Auto nested blueprint. * Refactor tpl: ping and options api were merged into tools. * Enhance teardown_method in test: auto handle deps when delete table. * Fix some typo.