* Fix response message err when code is 200 or 400. * Support set `HOBBIT_USE_CODE_ORIGIN_TYPE = True` to return origin type of code in response.
* Add data field for response.Result: return Real response payload. * Bugfix: tests.BaseTest.teardown_method miss `app.app_context()`.
* Upgrade webargs to version 8.x.x. * Lock SQLAlchemy version less than 1.4.0 (session.autobegin feature doesn't look like a good idea). * Lock Flask version less than 2.x.x (because some bugs). * Upgrade and lock marshmallow>=3.0.0,<4. * Remove hobbit gen cmd.
* Fix webargs 6.x.x: limit version < 6.
* Add CustomParser for automatically trim leading/trailing whitespace from argument values(`from hobbit_core.webargs import use_args, use_kwargs`). * Add `HOBBIT_UPPER_SEQUENCE_NAME` config for upper db's sequence name. * Fixs some err in template.
* Add `db.BaseModel` for support Oracle id sequence.