-------------------------- - Fixes bug with intervention year interpolation - Changes reactivation probabilities to annual, not per time step - Refactor prognoses calls - *GitHub info*: PR `338 <https://github.com/amath-idm/hpvsim/pull/338>`__
-------------------------- - Removes Numba since slower for small sims and only 10% faster for large sims. - Moves functions from ``utils.py`` into ``people.py``, ``sim.py``, and ``population.py``. - *GitHub info*: PR `326 <https://github.com/amath-idm/hpvsim/pull/326>`__
-------------------------- - Adds people filtering (NB: not used, and later removed). - Fixes bug with ``print(sim)`` not working. - Adds baseline tests. - *GitHub info*: PR `310 <https://github.com/amath-idm/hpvsim/pull/310>`__
-------------------------- - Changes to dysplasia progression parameterization - Adds a new implementation of HPV natural history for HIV positive women - Note: HIV was added since the previous version - *GitHub info*: PR `304 <https://github.com/amath-idm/hpvsim/pull/304>`__
-------------------------- - Adds a ``use_migration`` parameter that activates immigration/emigration to ensure population sizes line up with data. - Adds simple data versioning. - *GitHub info*: PR `279 <https://github.com/amath-idm/hpvsim/pull/279>`__