* Introduce THE "placeholder" : now, `Tag()` create a tag, which can contains only childs (it renders its innerHTML, but not its outerHTML like other real htag tags). Really useful to make a reference to a placeholder, to set other real html tag into. (previously, for the same purpose, you should create a Tag.div() and put content in (creating a useless div node)).
* the stater/guesser is quicker (remove a str'call for each tag)
* all examples fixed (use htbulma.service, working, don't use old constructor `Tag()` (which is now a placeholder), ...)
* add an example using an unique source of truth (a "state management" for bigger project)
* and more unitests ;-)
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/manatlan/htag/compare/v0.8.13...v0.8.14