🧭 What's Changed
1. Version Control has been added to Hub Datasets! (610) AbhinavTuli
2. to_tensorflow now properly supports Text datasets (658) AbhinavTuli
3. Hub crash and system information reports using Bugout (624) zomglings
4. Added support for multiple BBox and Classlabel, instead of Sequences. (658) AbhinavTuli
5. CLI name has been changed from hub to activeloop (631) haiyangdeperci
6. Notebook example for creating dataset for object detection and instance segmentation added(629) haritsahm
7. Tutorial for working with Audio Added (592) mynameisvinn
🚀 New
1. Hub version command cli (628) sparkingdark
2. Automatic Release Drafter added to repository (598) Anselmoo
3. Improve Directory Structure of Examples (630) SauravMaheshkar
4. Put zarr, tileDB, and hub benchmarks in one file (534) DebadityaPal
5. Refactored Dataset Class (576) DebadityaPal
6. Add Github Actions CI pipeline (372) ADI10HERO
7. Improve Directory Structure of Examples (630) SauravMaheshkar
🐛 Bug Fixes
1. Removed Assertions from shape_detector.py and added exceptions (616) DebadityaPal
2. Adds support for dataset views in sharded dataset (557) AbhinavTuli
3. Advanced slicing added for Sharded Dataset (558) AbhinavTuli
🗂 Documentation
1. README added in Korean (621) HyeongminLEE
2. README added in Bahasa Indonesia (645) haritsahm
3. README added in French (640) MargauxMasson
4. README added in Turkish (608) hakanbakacak
5. Chinese Readme Proofread and Update (613) Cynthia7979
6. Change ds.commit() to ds.flush() throughout in README.md (619) galbwe
7. Added explaination for local file system to docs (634) McCrearyD
8. Replaced commit() with flush() in documentation. (604) dhiganthrao
9. Add MinIO to Data Storage docs (605) gabriel-milan
10. Updated example notebooks with pip (585) MojammelHossain
11. Typos fixed (591) dPacc
🔗 Dependency Updates
Bump pytest from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 (496) dependabot-preview
Bump ray from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0 (554) dependabot-preview
Bump boto3 from 1.16.39 to 1.17.20 (646) dependabot-preview
⚙️ Who Contributed
ADI10HERO, AbhinavTuli, Anselmoo, Cynthia7979, DebadityaPal, HyeongminLEE, MargauxMasson, McCrearyD, MojammelHossain, SauravMaheshkar, dPacc, davidbuniat, dhiganthrao, gabriel-milan, galbwe, haiyangdeperci, hakanbakacak, haritsahm, imshashank, mikayelh, mynameisvinn, sparkingdark and zomglings