🧭 What's Changed
* Libdeeplake fixes and improvements (1964) AbhinavTuli
- Greatly improves performance when working with compressed jpeg and png data
- Experimental dataloader transforms now receive PIL images instead of numpy arrays, ToPILImage transform should not be included
- Fixes deadlocking issue when multiple nested dataloaders are created
- Fixed unexpected segmentation faults
- Added wheels for centOS
- Added wheels for arm64 and x86_64 (fixed linking errors during lib import)
* [DL]-819 Add error messages related to user not being logged in (1955) adolkhan
* [DL-804] Dont support group.info (1960) FayazRahman
* [DL-782] Delete temp tensors in case append fails during transforms (1924) FayazRahman
* Improves experimental dataloader performance for tensors with jpeg and png images (1961) AbhinavTuli
* [AL-1999] [Bug fix] lnfo not being updated after using Deep Lake compute on dataset. (1956) AbhinavTuli
* Fixed shape polygon fix (1959) FayazRahman
* [DL-821] Fix allowing commit on views (1953) farizrahman4u
* [DL-814][CUS-14][CUS-17] Pytorch fixes (1949) farizrahman4u
* [CUS-22] Update query and htypes api reference (1948) FayazRahman
* [CUS-24] Fix polygons bug with fixed shape inputs (1950) farizrahman4u
* [DL-756] Log loading creds except in transforms (1937) FayazRahman
* [Dl 706] Improve speed of materialization (1902) adolkhan
* [AL-1990] add shuffle argument to .shuffle for experimental dataloader(1942) levongh
* [DL-726][DL-789] Ignore corrupt tensors + fetch_chunks for .data(), .text() etc (1932) farizrahman4u
* [DL-798] Fix partial read skip for chunk compressed chunks (1939) farizrahman4u
⚙️ Who Contributes
AbhinavTuli, FayazRahman, adolkhan, davidbuniat, farizrahman4u, istranic and levongh