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This release represents **27 contributions by 7 contributors** to the main Hugo code base. [bep]( leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to [tryzniak](, [anthonyfok](, and [mywaiting]( for their ongoing contributions. And a big thanks to [digitalcraftsman]( and [onedrawingperday]( for their relentless work on keeping the themes site in pristine condition and to [kaushalmodi]( for his great work on the documentation site.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in [hugoDocs](, which has received **38 contributions by 17 contributors**. A special thanks to [bep](, [kaushalmodi](, [onedrawingperday](, and [peaceiris]( for their work on the documentation site.

Hugo now has:

* 32265+ [stars](
* 441+ [contributors](
* 289+ [themes](



* Adjust tests [ddc6d4e3]( [bep]( [#5643](
* Prevent getJSON and getCSV fetch failure from aborting build [6a2bfcbe]( [anthonyfok]( [#5643](


* Expand TestPageWithEmoji to cover '+', '-' and '_' too [2a9060a8]( [anthonyfok]( [#5635](
* Restore 0.48 slash handling in taxonomies [40ffb048]( [bep]( [#5571](


* Use official semver even for main releases [fab41f42]( [bep]( [#5639](
* Add test for --configDir [59d87044]( [bep]( [#5662](
* Ignore unknown config files in config dir [3244cb3b]( [bep]( [#5646](
* Store supported config formats in a variable [d9282cf9]( [tryzniak](
* Bump to Go 1.11.5 [8ed2a1ca]( [bep]( [#5654](
* Update Afero [e8596139]( [bep]( [#5650](
* Accept hyphen and plus sign in emoji detection [3038464e]( [anthonyfok]( [#5635](
* Support numeric sort in ByParam [26f75edb]( [tryzniak]( [#5305](
* Make hugo server -t work again [db3c49d0]( [tryzniak]( [#5569]([#5061]([#4868](
* Add configFile(s) back to the watch list after RENAME event too [e3cb8e6c]( [anthonyfok]( [#5205](
* Remove historical rssURI config [55251aa8]( [mywaiting](
* Use subtests with server_test.go [843fcd19]( [tryzniak](
* Move resource interfaces into its own package [ce8a09a4]( [bep](
* Move resource processors into sub-packages [669ada43]( [bep](
* Update [50745122]( [vrMarc](
* Update go.sum [0584432b]( [bep](
* Update Chroma [cc351958]( [bep]( [#4993](
* Make docshelper run again [c24f3ae2]( [bep]( [#5568](



* Fix reflect [9e4f9e0b]( [moorereason]( [#5564](


* Fix some inline shortcode issues [c52045bb]( [bep]( [#5645]([#5653](
* Fix OpenGraph image fallback to site params [526b5b1c]( [statik](
* Fix Params case handling in the new site global [e1a66c73]( [bep]( [#5615](
* cache/namedmemcache: Fix data race [3f3187de]( [bep](


From all of us to all of you, a very Merry Christmas -- and Hugo `0.53`!

The main new features in this release are:

* You can now split your configuration into directories per environment. Hugo did support multiple configuration files before this release, but it was hard to manage for bigger sites, especially those with multiple languages. With this we have also formalized the concept of an `environment`; the defaults are `production` (when running `hugo`) or `development` (when running `hugo server`) but you can create any environment you like. We will update the documentation, but all the details are in [this issue]( Also, see [this PR]( for how the refactored configuration for the Hugo website looks like.
* `transform.Unmarshal` (see the [documentation]( is a new and powerful template function that can turn `Resource` objects or strings with JSON, TOML, YAML or CSV into maps/arrays.
* Two new global variables in `site` and `hugo`. `hugo` gives you version info etc. (`{{ hugo.Version }}`, `{{ hugo.Environment }}`), but the `site` is probably more useful, as it allows you to access the current [site's variables]( (e.g. `{{ site.RegularPages }}`) without any context (or ".").

This version is also the fastest to date. A site building benchmark shows around 10% faster, but that depends on the site. The important part here is that we're not getting slower. It’s quite a challenge to consistently add significant new functionality and simultaneously improve performance. It's like not gaining weight during Christmas. We also had a small performance boost in version `0.50`. A user then reported that his big and complicated site had a 30% reduction in build time. This is important to us, one of the core features. It's in the slogan: "The world’s fastest framework for building websites."

This release represents **37 contributions by 5 contributors** to the main Hugo code base. [bep]( leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to [moorereason](, [coliff](, and [jfyuen]( for their ongoing contributions. And a big thanks to [digitalcraftsman]( and [onedrawingperday]( for their relentless work on keeping the themes site in pristine condition and to [kaushalmodi]( for his great work on the documentation site.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in [hugoDocs](,
which has received **19 contributions by 8 contributors**. A special thanks to [bep](, [kaushalmodi](, [peaceiris](, and [moorereason]( for their work on the documentation site.

Hugo now has:

* 31174+ [stars](
* 441+ [contributors](
* 279+ [themes](


* The `hugo benchmark` command is removed
* We now do not publish transformed inline resources, e.g. minified CSS only accessed via `.Content.`, e.g. `{{ ($css | minify).Content }}`. Before this version, the minified CSS in that example would be copied to `/public`, which was never the intention. If you want that, you need to access either `.RelPermalink` or `.Permalink`.



* Include options in cache key [be58c7b9]( [bep]( [#5555](
* Simplify transform.Unmarshal func [094709e1]( [bep]( [#5428](
* Add transform.Unmarshal func [822dc627]( [bep]( [#5428](
* Remove "double layout" lookup [d5a0b6bb]( [bep]( [#5390](
* Add reflect namespace [c84f506f]( [moorereason]( [#4081](
* Use the correct Hugo var [931a1324]( [bep]( [#5467](
* Add tpl/site and tpl/hugo [831d23cb]( [bep]( [#5470]([#5467]([#5503](
* Add godoc packages comments [30a7c9ea]( [moorereason](


* Adjust test [25ddbb09]( [bep]( [#5544](
* Add .Name as a shortcode variable [10217144]( [bep]( [#5546](
* Improve logic of output path trimming [0483299b]( [moorereason]( [#4666](
* Enable Emoji in site benchmark [4d93aca2]( [bep](
* Restore taxonomy term path separation [9ce0a1fb]( [bep]( [#5513](
* Add .Site.Sites [83783588]( [bep]( [#5504](


* Adjust CSV example [62d031ae]( [bep]( [#5555](
* Rename CSV option from comma to delimiter [ce06bdb1]( [bep]( [#5555](
* Document transform.Unmarshal [2efc1a64]( [bep]( [#5556](
* Regenerate CLI docs [e691c48a]( [bep]( [#5544](
* Add CSV support to transform.Unmarshal [a5744697]( [bep]( [#5555](
* Prevent resource publishing for transformed inline resources [43f9df01]( [bep]( [#4944](
* Remove the benchmark command [35bfca3b]( [bep]( [#5543](
* Move the emoji parsing to pageparser [9cd54cab]( [bep]( [#5534](
* Split the page lexer into some more files [a8853f1c]( [bep]( [#5534](
* parser/pageparser: Add a benchmark [f2167de8]( [bep](
* Update to Go 1.11.4 [bb9c2988]( [bep]( [#5524](
* Simplify implementation [f7691fe9]( [bep](
* Support unquoted URLs in canonifyURLs replacer [efe0b4e5]( [bep]( [#5529](
* Regenerate CLI docs [50686817]( [bep]( [#5507](
* Add /config dir support [78294740]( [bep]( [#5422](
* cache/filecache: Simplify test [514e18dc]( [bep]( [#5497](
* Use OS fs for test [b804a708]( [bep]( [#5497](



* Fix case handling in cast params [64b6b290]( [bep]( [#5538](


* Fix "failed to create file caches from configuration: file exists" on Windows [5178cd13]( [bep]( [#5497](
* fix jekyll import highlight options [ab921476]( [jfyuen](
* Fix "always false" condition [25641891]( [Quasilyte](
* Fixx CSS2 color code handling [4b5f7439]( [bep]( [#5506](
* common/collections: Fix defines typo [83468481]( [coliff](


The two big new items in this release is [Inline Shortcodes]( and [Consolidated File Caches]( In Hugo we really care about build speed, and caching is important. With this release, you get much better control over your cache configuration, which is especially useful when building on a Continous Integration server (Netlify, CircleCI or similar). Inline Shortcodes was implemented to help the Bootstrap project [move their documentation site]( to Hugo. Note that this feature is disabled by default. To enable, set `enableInlineShortcodes = true` in your site config. Worth mentioning is also the new `param` shortcode, which looks up the param in page front matter with the site's parameter as a fall back.

This release represents **33 contributions by 7 contributors** to the main Hugo code base.
[bep]( leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to [moorereason](, [emirb](, and [allizad]( for their ongoing contributions.
And a big thanks to [digitalcraftsman]( and [onedrawingperday]( for their relentless work on keeping the themes site in pristine condition and to [kaushalmodi]( for his great work on the documentation site.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in [hugoDocs](,
which has received **10 contributions by 4 contributors**. A special thanks to [budparr](, [bep](, [allizad](, and [funkydan2]( for their work on the documentation site.

Hugo now has:

* 30595+ [stars](
* 441+ [contributors](
* 270+ [themes](



* Add tests [ed698e94]( [moorereason](
* Regenerate templates [89e2716d]( [bep](
* Add "param" shortcode [f37c5a25]( [bep]( [#4010](
* Add float64 support to where [112461fd]( [moorereason]( [#5466](


* Fall back to title in ByLinkTitle sort [a9a93d08]( [bep]( [#4953](
* Improve nil handling in IsDescendant and IsAncestor [b09a4033]( [bep]( [#5461](


* Remove duplicate mapstructure depdendency [7e75aeca]( [bep](
* Add dependency list to README [e14e0b19]( [bep](
* Document inline shortcodes [aded0f25]( [bep]( [#4011](
* Add inline shortcode support [bc337e6a]( [bep]( [#4011](
* Include drafts in convert command [dcfeed35]( [bep]( [#5457](
* Handle themes in the new file cache (for images, assets) [f9b4eb4f]( [bep]( [#5460](
* Add tests for permalink on Resource with baseURL with path [12742bac]( [bep]( [#5226](
* Add a comment about file mode for new files [fabf026f]( [bep]( [#5434](
* Add a :project placeholder [94f0f7e5]( [bep]( [#5439](
* Add a cache prune func [3c29c5af]( [bep]( [#5439](
* Add a filecache root dir [33502667]( [bep](
* Use time.Duration for maxAge [d3489eba]( [bep]( [#5438](
* Split implementation and config into separate files [17d7ecde]( [bep](
* Update to LibSASS 3.5.5 [e4b25728]( [bep]( [#5432]([#5435](
* More spelling corrections [782dd158]( [bep](
* Spelling corrections [aff9c091]( [bep](
* Remove appveyor [fdd4a768]( [bep](
* Document the new file cache [abeeff13]( [bep]( [#5404](
* Add a consolidated file cache [f7aeaa61]( [bep]( [#5404](
* Add Windows build config to Travis [7d78a2af]( [emirb](
* Add Elasticsearch/ to services doc. [c0b3a1af]( [allizad](



* Fix whitespace issue [aba2647c]( [max-arnold](
* Fix test to pass with gccgo [a8cb1b07]( [ianlancetaylor](


* Fix handling of commented out front matter [7540a628]( [bep]( [#5478](
* Fix when only shortcode and then summary [94ab125b]( [bep]( [#5464](
* Fix ignored --config flag with 'new' command [e82b2dc8]( [krisbudhram](
* Fix Permalink for resource, baseURL with path and canonifyURLs set [5df2b79d]( [bep]( [#5226](


Hugo reached [30 000 stars on GitHub]( this week, which is a good occasion to do a follow-up release of the great Hugo `0.50`. This is mostly a bug fix release, but it also adds some useful new functionality, two examples are the new template funcs `complement` and `symdiff`. This release also continues the work on improving Hugo's error messages. And with `.Position` now available on shortcodes, you can also improve your own error messages inside your custom shortcodes:

{{ with .Get "name" }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf "missing value for param 'name': %s" .Position }}
{{ end }}

When the above fails, you will see an `ERROR` log similar to the below:

ERROR 2018/11/07 10:05:55 missing value for param name: "/sites/hugoDocs/content/en/variables/"

This release represents **31 contributions by 5 contributors** to the main Hugo code base.
[bep]( leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to [krisbudhram](, [LorenzCK](, and [coliff]( for their ongoing contributions.
And a big thanks to [digitalcraftsman]( and [onedrawingperday]( for their relentless work on keeping the themes site in pristine condition and to [kaushalmodi]( for his great work on the documentation site.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in [hugoDocs](,
which has received **6 contributions by 5 contributors**. A special thanks to [ikemo3](, [maiki](, [morya](, and [regisphilibert]( for their work on the documentation site.

Hugo now has:

* 30095+ [stars](
* 441+ [contributors](
* 276+ [themes](


* Remove deprecated useModTimeAsFallback [0bc4b024]( [bep](
* Bump to ERROR for the deprecated Pages.Sort [faeb55c1]( [bep](
* Deprecate .Site.Ref and .Site.RelRef [6c6a6c87]( [bep]( [#5386](



* Properly handle pointer types in complement/symdiff [79a06aa4]( [bep](
* Add collections.SymDiff [488776b6]( [bep]( [#5410](
* Add collections.Complement [42d8dfc8]( [bep]( [#5400](


* Improve error message on duplicate menu items [3a44920e]( [bep](
* Add .Position to shortcode [33a7b36f]( [bep]( [#5371](


* Document shortcode error handling [e456e34b]( [bep](
* Document symdiff [5d14d04a]( [bep](
* Document complement [ddcb4028]( [bep](
* Update minify [d212f609]( [bep](
* Re-generate CLI docs [2998fa0c]( [bep](
* Add --minify to hugo server [5b1edd28]( [bep](
* Make WARN the new default log log level [4b7d3e57]( [bep]( [#5203](
* Regenerate the docs helper [486bc46a]( [bep](
* Skip watcher event files if matched in ignoreFiles [f8446188]( [krisbudhram](
* Update Chroma [d523aa4b]( [bep]( [#5392](
* Add file (line/col) info to ref/relref errors [1d18eb05]( [bep]( [#5371](
* Improve log color regexp [d3a98325]( [bep](
* Correct minor typo (5372) [e65268f2]( [coliff](



* Fix the docshelper [61f210dd]( [bep](
* Fix BOM issue in templates [3a786a24]( [bep]( [#4895](


* Fix ANSI character output regression on Windows [b8725f51]( [LorenzCK]( [#5377](


* Fix changing paginators in lazy render [b8b8436f]( [bep]( [#5406](
* Fix REF_NOT_FOUND logging to include page path [6180c85f]( [bep]( [#5371](
* Fix broken manual summary handling [b2a676f5]( [bep]( [#5381](
* Fix deadlock when content building times out [729593c8]( [bep]( [#5375](


* Fix spelling [47506d16]( [qeesung](
* Fix shortcode directly following a shortcode delimiter [d16a7a33]( [bep]( [#5402](
* Fix recently broken error template [2bd9d909]( [bep](


env HUGO_FILE_LOG_FORMAT="\":file::line::col\"" hugo server

But this release isn't all about error handling. Getting line- and column number into "every" error also meant that we had to consolidate and simplify some code paths, which, as a nice side effect, made Hugo a little bit faster. Benchmarks show it running **about 5% faster and consume about 8% less memory**.

Also, we have now implemented **"render on demand"** in Hugo's Fast Render Mode (default when running `hugo server`). This means that you should now always see updated content when navigating around the site after a change.

This release represents **88 contributions by 14 contributors** to the main Hugo code base.
[bep]( leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to [moorereason](, [anthonyfok](, and [GregorioMartinez]( for their ongoing contributions.

And a big thanks to [digitalcraftsman]( and [onedrawingperday]( for their relentless work on keeping the themes site in pristine condition and to [kaushalmodi]( for his great work on the documentation site.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in [hugoDocs](,
which has received **14 contributions by 9 contributors**. A special thanks to [bep](, [NotWoods](, [Nick-Rivera](, and [tomanistor]( for their work on the documentation site.

Hugo now has:

* 29842+ [stars](
* 441+ [contributors](
* 275+ [themes](


* You should not get stale content in Fast Render Mode anymore.
* Errors will now show up in the browser by default, turn it off by running `hugo server --disableBrowserError`
* `jsonify` will now produce pretty/indented output



* Handle truncated identifiers in Go template errors [2d7709d1]( [bep]( [#5346](
* Update Jsonify to return pretty-print output [5a52cd5f]( [SeanPrashad]( [#5040](
* Improve the Execute panic error message [0fe4ff18]( [bep]( [#5327](
* Use .Lastmod in embedded schema template [c21e5179]( [akshaybabloo]( [#5320](
* Cast IsSet key to int for indexed types [0d5110d0]( [moorereason]( [#3681](
* Add a delimiter parameter to lang.NumFmt [ce264b93]( [moorereason]( [#5260](


* Adjust error test to make it pass on Go tip [acc14b46]( [bep](
* Rename some page_* files [e3ed4a83]( [bep](
* Get file context in "config parse failed" errors [ed7b3e26]( [bep]( [#5325](
* Improve errors in /i18n handlling [2bf686ee]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Improve errors in /data handlling [9f74dc2a]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Continue the file context/line number errors work [d1661b82]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Remove the now superflous Source struct [7930d213]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Redo the summary delimiter logic [44da60d8]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Integrate new page parser [1e3e3400]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Use []byte in shortcode parsing [1b7ecfc2]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Use stdlib context package [4b4af2c5]( [GregorioMartinez](
* Normalize permalink path segments [fae48d74]( [moorereason]( [#5223]([#4926](
* Improve error message for bad taxonomy weights [d3b81ee5]( [moorereason](
* Cast taxonomy weight parameters to int [1fd30d46]( [moorereason]( [#4628](
* Allow nil to be unwrapped as *Page [498d6299]( [moorereason]( [#5043](
* Be a litle more specific in NextPage TODO [fb732d53]( [bep](
* Introduce Page.NextPage and Page.PrevPage [ad705aac]( [felicianotech]( [#1061](


* Update go.sum [7082a5d1]( [bep](
* Update minify [aa281b51]( [bep]( [#5261](
* Regenerate CLI docs [32501987]( [bep](
* Make sure the global logger also gets colored labels [9c88a8a5]( [bep]( [#4414](
* Avoid using the global logger [95e72f5e]( [bep]( [#4414](
* Add color to ERROR and WARN [1c7b7b4e]( [bep]( [#4414](
* Make the file error log format configurable [1ad117cb]( [bep]( [#5352](
* Allow a mix of slice types in append/Scratch.Add [dac7092a]( [bep]( [#5361](
* Allow .Data.Integrity to be accessed on its own [b27ccf34]( [bep]( [#5296](
* Update minify [83c873ff]( [bep]( [#5261](
* Update cast [a2440dc0]( [bep]( [#5340](
* Truncate the error log on repeated config errors [1e9ac3dc]( [bep](
* Regenerate CLI docs [40e99672]( [bep]( [#5354](
* Serialize image processing [3a3badfd]( [bep]( [#5220](
* Only show Ansi escape codes if in a terminal [df021317]( [bep](
* Read disableFastRender from flag even if it's not changed [78a4c2e3]( [bep]( [#5353](
* Use overflow-x: auto; for browser errors [d4ebfea1]( [bep](
* Remove the ANSI color for the browser error version [93aa6261]( [bep](
* Add some color to the relevant filenames in terminal log [deff9e15]( [bep]( [#5344](
* Run gofmt -s [889aca05]( [bep](
* Resolve error handling/parser related TODOs [6636cf1b]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Improve handling of JSON errors [f669ef6b]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Convert the rest to new page parser code paths [eb038cfa]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Consolidate the metadata decoders [129c27ee]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Use []byte in page lexer [27f5a906]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Add front matter etc. support [2fdc4a24]( [bep]( [#5324](
* File renames and splitting [f6863e1e]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Move the shortcode parser to the new pageparser package [d6c16afd]( [bep]( [#5324](
* Avoid panic in error handler on config errors [6f3716dc]( [bep](
* Prevent stale content in Fast Render Mode [4a366fcf]( [bep]( [#5281](
* Allow date and slug from filename for leaf bundles [1f42e47e]( [Japanuspus]( [#4558](
* Show server error info in browser [35fbfb19]( [bep]( [#5284]([#5290]([#5325]([#5324](
* Add .gitignore "hugo new site" [92979d92]( [napei](
* Optimize integrity string generation [0a3340e9]( [moorereason](
* Add help text to "hugo new" [6b21ac3e]( [elliotforbes](
* Set "extended" tag based on build_url on Launchpad [d1442053]( [anthonyfok](
* Call rst2html directly on *nix [3d4a9882]( [shreyanshk](
* Update URLs to stop 301 redirects [bdca9727]( [benabbottnz](
* Merge branch 'release-0.49.2' [604ddb90]( [bep](


This is fixes one regression from Hugo `0.42.1`:

* Fix type checking in Append [2159d77f]( [bep]( [#5303](

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