
Latest version: v6.1.2

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Major improvements:
* automatic writing of averaged time series (see module "variabletools")
* reading and writing of NetCDF files (see module "netcdftools")
* configuration of workflows with XML files (see module "xmltools")
* command line support (see module "hyd.py")
* interoperability with Delf-FEWS
* simplified installation using "pip" on 64-bit Windows
* runnable on Python 3.6 and 3.7 (but not on Python 2.7 anymore)
* Windows based testing on AppVeyor


Some of the more important features currently under development:

* Temporal smoothing of potential evaporation for HydPy-L-Land.
* Allow negative discharge of HydPy-L-Land for subbasins with large water areas under dry conditions (optionally).
* Add the `RestrictTargetedRelease` option to HydPy-D.
* Improve some error handling functionalities.


Major fixes:
* Method `save_allseries` of class `Nodes` does now work properly.
* Method `init_models` can now handle the case of missing control files.

Minor fixes:
* The handling of missing directories should now be more consistent.


Major fixes:

* The calculated meltwater of the glacier itself was overwritten by the meltwater of its covering snow layer. We fixed this error.

Minor fixes:

* The adaption of precipitation and potential evaporation to altitude cannot result in negative values anymore.


Major fixes:

* When implementing the two additional water area types SEE and FLUSS into HydPy-L-Land, an error had crept in the calculation of direct discharge from sealed surfaces (VERS). This error is now fixed.

Minor fixes:

* Some information on the status of different methods for handling time series data had been printed on the screen multiple times. This error is now fixed.


At the framework level, HydPy should now be stable enough for a first release.

The same is true for most of the implemented models. But note the following points:

* HydPy-L-Stream (version 1) has a problem with preserving the water balance; we might change this soon.
* HydPy-L-Land now no offers two additional water area types (SEE and FLUSS). These are intended to be an improvement over the old water area type (WASSER) but are still a little experimental.
* HydPy-D is newly implemented and thus also still a little experimental. You can use it, but be aware some of its functionalities might change soon.

Windows users often have problems with installing HydPy due to Visual Studio compiler issues. If you want to implement your own models into HydPy, you will have to select and install the proper Visual Studio compiler. But if you only want to apply the available models, this is not necessary. Then just download the matching "hydpy.zip" file (which includes the precompiled binaries), unzip it, and store the "hydpy" folder in your site-packages directory. If everything works well, the automatic "testing and recompiling" mechanism of HydPy should not be triggered when importing any model.

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