* Support for the following file formats:
* :external+rsciio:ref:`digitalsurf-format`
* :external+rsciio:ref:`elid-format`
* :external+rsciio:ref:`nexus-format`
* :external+rsciio:ref:`usid-format`
* :external+rsciio:ref:`empad-format`
* Prismatic EMD format, see :external+rsciio:ref:`emd-format`
* ``hyperspy._signals.eels.EELSSpectrum.print_edges_near_energy`` method
that, if the `hyperspy-gui-ipywidgets package
is installed, includes an
awesome interactive mode. See :external+exspy:ref:`eels_elemental_composition-label`.
* Model asymmetric line shape components:
* :py:class:`~._components.doniach.Doniach`
* :py:class:`~._components.split_voigt.SplitVoigt`
* :external+exspy:ref:`EDS absorption correction <eds_absorption-label>`.
* :ref:`Argand diagram for complex signals <complex.argand>`.
* :ref:`Multiple peak finding algorithms for 2D signals <peak_finding-label>`.
* :ref:`cluster_analysis-label`.
* The :py:meth:`~.api.signals.BaseSignal.get_histogram` now uses numpy's
and supports all of its ``bins`` keyword values.
* Further improvements to the contrast adjustment tool.
Test it by pressing the ``h`` key on any image.
* The following components have been rewritten using
:py:class:`~._components.expression.Expression`, boosting their
speeds among other benefits.
* :py:class:`~._components.arctan.Arctan`
* :py:class:`~._components.voigt.Voigt`
* :py:class:`~._components.heaviside.HeavisideStep`
* The model fitting :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.fit` and
:py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.multifit` methods have been vastly improved. See
:ref:`model.fitting` and the API changes section below.
* New serpentine iteration path for multi-dimensional fitting.
See :ref:`model.multidimensional-label`.
* The :py:func:`~.api.plot.plot_spectra` function now listens to
events to update the figure automatically.
See :ref:`this example <sphx_glr_auto_examples_region_of_interest_ExtractLineProfile.py>`.
* Improve thread-based parallelism. Add ``max_workers`` argument to the
:py:meth:`~.api.signals.BaseSignal.map` method, such that the user can directly
control how many threads they launch.
* Many improvements to the :py:meth:`~.api.signals.BaseSignal.decomposition` and
:py:meth:`~.api.signals.BaseSignal.blind_source_separation` methods, including support for
scikit-learn like algorithms, better API and much improved documentation.
See :ref:`ml-label` and the API changes section below.
* Add option to calculate the absolute thickness to the EELS
``hyperspy._signals.eels.EELSSpectrum.estimate_thickness`` method.
See :external+exspy:ref:`eels_thickness-label`.
* Vastly improved performance and memory footprint of the
:py:meth:`~.api.signals.Signal2D.estimate_shift2D` method.
* The :py:meth:`~.api.signals.Signal1D.remove_background` method can
now remove Doniach, exponential, Lorentzian, skew normal,
split Voigt and Voigt functions. Furthermore, it can return the background
model that includes an estimation of the reduced chi-squared.
* The performance of the maximum-likelihood PCA method was greatly improved.
* All ROIs now have a ``__getitem__`` method, enabling e.g. using them with the
unpack ``*`` operator. See :ref:`roi-slice-label` for an example.
* New syntax to set the contrast when plotting images. In particular, the
``vmin`` and ``vmax`` keywords now take values like ``vmin="30th"`` to
clip the minimum value to the 30th percentile. See :ref:`signal.fft`
for an example.
* The :py:meth:`~.api.signals.Signal1D.plot` and
:py:meth:`~.api.signals.Signal2D.plot` methods take a new keyword
argument ``autoscale``. See :ref:`plot.customize_images` for details.
* The contrast editor and the decomposition methods can now operate on
complex signals.
* The default colormap can now be set in
:ref:`preferences <configuring-hyperspy-label>`.
API changes
* The :py:meth:`~.api.signals.Signal2D.plot` keyword argument
``saturated_pixels`` is deprecated. Please use
``vmin`` and/or ``vmax`` instead.
* The :py:func:`~.api.load` keyword argument ``dataset_name`` has been
renamed to ``dataset_path``.
* The :py:meth:`~.api.signals.BaseSignal.set_signal_type` method no longer takes
``None``. Use the empty string ``""`` instead.
* The :py:meth:`~.api.signals.BaseSignal.get_histogram` ``bins`` keyword values
have been renamed as follows for consistency with numpy:
* ``"scotts"`` -> ``"scott"``,
* ``"freedman"`` -> ``"fd"``
* Multiple changes to the syntax of the :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.fit`
and :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.multifit` methods:
* The ``fitter`` keyword has been renamed to ``optimizer``.
* The values that the ``optimizer`` keyword take have been renamed
for consistency with scipy:
* ``"fmin"`` -> ``"Nelder-Mead"``,
* ``"fmin_cg"`` -> ``"CG"``,
* ``"fmin_ncg"`` -> ``"Newton-CG"``,
* ``"fmin_bfgs"`` -> ``"BFGS"``,
* ``"fmin_l_bfgs_b"`` -> ``"L-BFGS-B"``,
* ``"fmin_tnc"`` -> ``"TNC"``,
* ``"fmin_powell"`` -> ``"Powell"``,
* ``"mpfit"`` -> ``"lm"`` (in combination with ``"bounded=True"``),
* ``"leastsq"`` -> ``"lm"``,
* Passing integer arguments to ``parallel`` to select the number of
workers is now deprecated. Use ``parallel=True, max_workers={value}``
* The ``method`` keyword has been renamed to ``loss_function``.
* The ``loss_function`` value ``"ml"`` has been renamed to ``"ML-poisson"``.
* The ``grad`` keyword no longer takes boolean values. It takes the
following values instead: ``"fd"``, ``"analytical"``, callable or ``None``.
* The ``ext_bounding`` keyword has been deprecated and will be removed. Use
``bounded=True`` instead.
* The ``min_function`` keyword argument has been deprecated and will
be removed. Use ``loss_function`` instead.,
* The ``min_function_grad`` keyword arguments has been deprecated and will be
removed. Use ``grad`` instead.
* The ``iterpath`` default will change from ``'flyback'`` to
``'serpentine'`` in HyperSpy version 2.0.
* The following :py:class:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel` methods are now private:
* ``hyperspy.model.BaseModel.set_boundaries``
* ``hyperspy.model.BaseModel.set_mpfit_parameters_info``
* The ``comp_label`` keyword of the machine learning plotting functions
has been renamed to ``title``.
* The :py:class:`~hyperspy.learn.rpca.orpca` constructor's ``learning_rate``
keyword has been renamed to ``subspace_learning_rate``
* The :py:class:`~hyperspy.learn.rpca.orpca` constructor's ``momentum``
keyword has been renamed to ``subspace_momentum``
* The :py:class:`~hyperspy.learn.svd_pca.svd_pca` constructor's ``centre`` keyword
values have been renamed as follows:
* ``"trials"`` -> ``"navigation"``
* ``"variables"`` -> ``"signal"``
* The ``bounds`` keyword argument of the
:py:meth:`~._signals.lazy.LazySignal.decomposition` is deprecated and will be removed.
* Several syntax changes in the :py:meth:`~.api.signals.BaseSignal.decomposition` method:
* Several ``algorithm`` keyword values have been renamed as follows:
* ``"svd"``: ``"SVD"``,
* ``"fast_svd"``: ``"SVD"``,
* ``"nmf"``: ``"NMF"``,
* ``"fast_mlpca"``: ``"MLPCA"``,
* ``"mlpca"``: ``"MLPCA"``,
* ``"RPCA_GoDec"``: ``"RPCA"``,
* The ``polyfit`` argument has been deprecated and will be removed.
Use ``var_func`` instead.
.. _changes_1.5.2: