
Latest version: v2.2.0

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This is a minor release. Follow the following links for details on all
the `bugs fixed


* :ref:`signal.transpose`.
* :external+rsciio:ref:`protochips-format` reader.


* :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.fit` takes a new algorithm, the global optimizer
`differential evolution`.
* :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.fit` algorithm, `leastsq`, inherits SciPy's bound
constraints support (requires SciPy >= 0.17).
* :py:meth:`~hyperspy.model.BaseModel.fit` algorithm names changed to be consistent
`scipy.optimze.minimize()` notation.



This is a maintenance release. Follow the following links for details on all
the `bugs fixed



This is a major release. Here we only list the highlist. A detailed list of
changes `is available in github


* :ref:`roi-label`.
* :ref:`Robust PCA <mva.rpca>` (RPCA) and online RPCA algorithms.
* Numpy ufuncs can now :ref:`operate on HyperSpy's signals <ufunc-label>`.
* ComplexSignal and specialised subclasses to :ref:`operate on complex data <complex_data-label>`.
* Events :ref:`logging <logger-label>`.
* Query and fetch spectr from :func:`exspy.data.eelsdb` from `The EELS Database <https://eelsdb.eu/>`__.
* :ref:`interactive-label`.
* :ref:`events-label`.


* :ref:`SAMFire-label`.
* Store :ref:`models in hdf5 files <storing_models-label>`.
* Add :ref:`fancy indexing <model_indexing-label>` to `Model`.
* :ref:Two-dimensional model fitting (:py:class:`~.models.model2d.Model2D`).

* :external+exspy:ref:`Z-factors quantification <eds_quantification-label>`.
* :external+exspy:ref:`Cross section quantification <eds_quantification-label>`.
* :external+exspy:ref:`EDS curve fitting <eds_fitting-label>`.
* X-ray :external+exspy:ref:`absorption coefficient database <eds_absorption_db-label>`.

* Support for reading certain files without :ref:`loading them to memory <load_to_memory-label>`.
* :external+rsciio:ref:`Bruker's composite file (bcf) <bruker-format>` reading support.
* :external+rsciio:ref:`Electron Microscopy Datasets (EMD) <emd-format>` read and write support.
* :external+rsciio:ref:`SEMPER unf <semper-format>` read and write support.
* :external+rsciio:ref:`DENS heat log <dens-format>` read support.
* :external+rsciio:ref:`NanoMegas blockfile <blockfile-format>` read and write support.

* More useful ``AxesManager`` repr string with html repr for Jupyter Notebook.
* Better progress bar (`tqdm <https://github.com/noamraph/tqdm>`__).
* Add support for :external+rsciio:ref:`writing/reading scale and unit to tif files
<tiff-format>` to be read with ImageJ or DigitalMicrograph.


* The following sections of the User Guide were revised and largely overwritten:

* :ref:`install-label`.
* :ref:`ml-label`.
* :external+exspy:ref:`eds-label`.
* New :ref:`dev_guide`.

API changes

* Split :ref:`components <model_components-label>` into ``components1D`` and ``components2D``.
* Remove ``record_by`` from metadata.
* Remove simulation classes.
* The :py:class:`~.api.signals.Signal1D`,
``hyperspy._signals.image.Signal2D`` and :py:class:`~.api.signals.BaseSignal`
classes deprecated the old `Spectrum` `Image` and `Signal` classes.



This is a maintenance release. Follow the following links for details on all
the `bugs fixed
`feature <https://github.com/hyperspy/hyperspy/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=milestone%3A0.8.5+is%3Aclosed++label%3A"type%3A+enhancement"+>`__
and `documentation
<https://github.com/hyperspy/hyperspy/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=milestone%3A0.8.5+label%3Adocumentation+is%3Aclosed+>`__ enhancements.

It also includes a new feature and introduces an important API change that
will be fully enforced in Hyperspy 1.0.

New feature

* Widgets to interact with the model components in the Jupyter Notebook.
See :ref:`here <notebook_interaction-label>` and
`1007 <https://github.com/hyperspy/hyperspy/pull/1007>`__ .

API changes

The new :py:class:`~.api.signals.BaseSignal`,
:py:class:`~.api.signals.Signal1D` and
:py:class:`~.api.signals.Signal2D` deprecate ``hyperspy.signal.Signal``,
:py:class:`~.api.signals.Signal1D` and :py:class:`~.api.signals.Signal2D`
respectively. Also ``as_signal1D``, ``as_signal2D, ``to_signal1D`` and ``to_signal2D``
deprecate ``as_signal1D``, ``as_signal2D``, ``to_spectrum`` and ``to_image``. See `963
<https://github.com/hyperspy/hyperspy/pull/963>`__ and `#943
<https://github.com/hyperspy/hyperspy/issues/943>`__ for details.



This release adds support for Python 3 and drops support for Python 2. In all
other respects it is identical to 0.8.3.



This is a maintenance release that includes fixes for multiple bugs, some
enhancements, new features and API changes. This is set to be the last HyperSpy
release for Python 2. The release (HyperSpy 0.8.4) will support only Python 3.

Importantly, the way to start HyperSpy changes (again) in this release. Please
read carefully :ref:`importing_hyperspy-label` for details.

The broadcasting rules have also changed. See :ref:`signal.operations`
for details.

Follow the following links for details on all the `bugs fixed
`documentation enhancements
`new features
`and API changes

.. _changes_0.8.2:

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