Backwards incompatible changes
- Drop support for `Manual package installation` which was deprecated since
version 6.0. If you are still using it, switch to
`Guided package installation` as described in `Upgrade installation`_.
- Integrate `src/icemac/addressbook/base.zcml` into
- Add a search result handler which renders a birthday list.
- Add a cron job which does a daily backup of the database.
- Add an archive and the ability to archive persons.
- The archive can only be accessed by one of the two new roles:
+ archive visitor -- read only access in the archive
+ archivist -- access to the archive plus ability to un-archive persons
- Archived persons cannot be found using the search abilities of the
address book.
- Add a search result handler which can move persons to the archive.
- To disable the archive feature see the `archive documentation`_.
- Allow to edit the labels and descriptions of pre-defined fields.
- Document how to uninstall the address book.
- Add ability to deselect tabs in the main menu.
- Users without any roles no longer get HTTP-403 Forbidden but can access a
minimal part of the application.
Changes in testing
- Switch Selenium tests from Firefox to Chrome by default requiring
`chromedriver`, but allow to keep using Firefox via an environment variable.
Details see `documentation`_.
- Drop support for profiling using `z3c.profiler`.
Other changes
- Add some `operations tips <https://icemacaddressbook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/operations.html>`_ for the address book.
- Update most libraries needed for the address book to their newest versions.
- Store messages rendered in UI in RAM instead of in ZODB.
- Render URLs of the source code and documentation on the PyPI page.
- Drop reruns of tests.
- Show test failures instantly.
Bug fixes
- First time installation no longer asks for migration.
- During installation no longer store the admin password in the config file and
no longer present the password in clear text during update installation.