
Latest version: v9.4

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Backward incompatible changes

- Use select2 JavaScript library to nicely render the select fields.


- Render breadcrumbs to be able to access the parent object.


- Update most libraries needed for the address book to their newest versions.

- Move ``.conftest.tmpfile()`` to ``.fixtures.tmpfile()`` for reuse.

- Make some Python 3 preparations as suggested by `pylint --py3k -d W1618`.
(No checks for future-absolute-imports as relative imports are not used

- Change `zope.interface.implements[Only]` and `zope.component.adapts` to
class decorators.

- Also release as wheel.



- Fix broken forms when using newlines in the description of user defined




- Render the name of the logged-in user as a link to the edit form of his
personal data.

Other changes

- Style a secondary menu alike the main menu.

- Update to a version of `icemac.recurrence` which fixed a bug in the
computation of monthly recurring events on DST borders.

- Update most libraries needed for the address book to their newest versions.



Backward incompatible changes

- Update the tests and test infrastructure to `zope.testbrowser >= 5.x`.
This version is no longer built on `mechanize` but on `WebTest`. This
requires some changes as the underlying framework is not completely
abstracted in `zope.testbrowser`.

- Refactor ``.testing.Webdriver`` to be able to implement the
`Page Object Design Pattern`_. ``.testing.Webdriver.login()`` no longer
returns a `selenium` object. Page objects have to be registered using

- Require the second argument (``path``) of ``.testing.Webdriver.login()`` to
reduce the overhead of the selenium login.

.. _`Page Object Design Pattern` :


- The view `inspector` now also displays the interfaces of its context.


- Fix styling issue in forms having lists with multiple entries (e. g. possible
values of choice field on user defined field of entity).

Other changes

- Bring test coverage to 100 % including tests themselves but without webdriver



Backward incompatible changes

- Update to `py.test >= 2.8`. This version no longer allows a fixture to depend
on an equally named fixture in another package. This requires a restructuring
of the fixtures: Packages depending on `icemac.addressbook` can no longer
e. g. depend the `zcmlS` fixture but have to provide there own full blown
ZCML fixture. The fixtures which can be reused where moved to
``icemac.addressbook.fixtures``. ``icemac.addressbook.conftest`` should no
longer be used or imported from foreign packages as this leads to problems
with the new py.test version. The reusable helper functions have been moved
to ``icemac.addressbook.testing``.


- Update most libraries needed for the address book to their newest versions.




- Add a search result handler which renders a list of the selected persons with
a check-box in front.

- Style text input fields better.

- Style the print output properly.


- Update most libraries needed for the address book to their newest versions.

- Pack the ZODB during update to a newer address book version.

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