**BREAKING:** API Refactor
- Metrics for mmdetection models
- **Breaking:** Renamed tasks `default,detect,classif` to `common,detection,classification`
- **Breaking:** Renamed `imageid` to `record_id`
- **Breaking:** Added parameter `is_new` to `Parser.parse_fields`
- Removed all dependencies on `cv2` for visualisation
- Use new composite API for visualisation - covers user defined task names & multiple tasks
- Added a ton of visualisation goodies to `icevision.visualize.draw_data.draw_sample` - user can now
- use custom fonts
- control mask thickness
- control mask blending
- prettify labels -- show confidence score & capitalise label
- plot specific and/or exclude specific labels
- pass in a dictionary mapping labels to specific colors
- control label height & width padding from bbox edge
- add border around label for legibility (color is a parameter)
**Breaking:**: Rename `labels->label_ids`, `labels_names->labels` in `LabelsRecordComponent`
- Renamed torchvision resnet backbones:
- resnet_fpn.resnet18 -> resnet18_fpn
- resnest_fpn.resnest18 -> resnest18_fpn
**Breaking:** Added parameters `sample` and `keep_image` to `convert_raw_prediction`
**Breaking:** Renamed `VocXmlParser` to `VOCBBoxParser` and `VocMaskParser` to `VOCMaskParser`
**Breaking:** Renamed `predict_dl` to `predict_from_dl`