- **Switched from poetry to setuptools**
- Function `wandb_img_preds` to help logging bboxes to wandb
- wandb as a soft dependency
- Template code for `parsers.SizeMixin` if `parsers.FilepathMixin` is used
- Get image size without opening image with `get_image_size`
- Ability to skip record while parsing with `AbortParseRecord`
- Autofix for record: `autofix_records` function and `autofix:bool` parameter added to `Parser.parse`
- Record class and mixins, `create_mixed_record` function to help creating Records
- InvalidDataError for BBox
- Catches InvalidDataError while parsing data
- **Breaking:** Unified `parsers.SizeMixin` functions `image_width` and `image_height` into a single function `image_width_height`
- Rename Parser `SizeMixin` fields from `width` `height` to `image_width` `image_height`
- Removed `CombinedParser`, all parsing can be done with the standard `Parser`