- The POD template description is now displayed when hovering the POD template title. [gbastien]
- Consider portlet is outside faceted when adding a new element. [sgeulette] - Use ITopAboveNavManager to display the dashboard POD templates viewlet, this is due to a change in collective.eeafaceted.z3ctable where viewlet managers were renamed (was ITopManager before). [gbastien]
- Adapted CSS regarding sort triangle entities now that we use larger ones. [gbastien]
- Format sort triangle entities. [sgeulette] - Define an icon_expr for portal_type DashboardPODTemplate so it is correctly displayed in the DX types control panel especially. [gbastien]
- Added possibility to pass 'extra_expr_ctx' to evaluateExpressionFor while evaluating the TAL condition defined on the DashboardCollection. [gbastien]
- Added method utils.getDashboardQueryResult that compute 'uids' and 'brains' returned by the current faceted query. [sdelcourt, gbastien]
- Test if collective.querynextprev is installed before accessing session [sgeulette]