- Fix: Handle koa routes defined by regular expressions.
- Add support for Node.js 12 (except for two optional features that rely on native addons which are not yet available for Node.js 12, CPU profiling and reporting uncaught exceptions).
- Report unhandled promise rejections as issues (disabled by default, see [configuration guide](https://www.ibm.com/docs/de/obi/current?topic=nodejs-collector-configuration#reporting-unhandled-promise-rejections)).
- Fix: Init metrics correctly when no config is passed ([138](https://github.com/instana/nodejs/issues/138)). - Add data.rpc.host and data.rpc.port to GRPC exits to improve service discovery.
- Rename the npm package from instana-nodejs-sensor to instana/collector. See [migration guide](https://www.ibm.com/docs/de/obi/current?topic=nodejs-collector-installation#change-of-package-name) for details. - Split into instana/core and instana/collector. - Fix trace context continuity when multiple instances of `bluebird` are present.
- Add tracing SDK to create spans manually, integrating seamlessly with automatic tracing - see [SDK API documentation](https://www.ibm.com/docs/de/obi/current?topic=nodejs-instana-api#creating-spans-manually-with-the-sdk) for details. - Additional validation for entry spans (that no other span is already in progress).