- Do not assume type local by default for OpenTracing spans. Instead, assume type entry when no parent context is available and only assume local if a parent context is available. - Update to shimmer1.2.1.
- Fix: Do not attempt to load native addons in a worker thread.
- [AWS Lambda] Reduce execution time overhead for native AWS Lambda tracing even further. (Bring back performance optimzation that was removed in 1.94.0 with a fix for the stale timeout events.)
- Add instrumentation for AWS DynamoDB.
- Add instrumentation for AWS S3. - Update handling of W3C trace context headers to improve integration with OpenTelemetry. - [AWS Lambda] Fix timeouts when the Lambda callback API without `context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false` is used and the Instana back end responds too slowly.
- Introduction of AWS SQS instrumentation for sending and reading messages. - fix: run original function in runInAsyncContext/runPromiseInAsyncContext when tracing is not active.