- Support for Python 3.3 has been dropped in IntelMQ and some dependencies of it. Python 3.3 reached its end of life and Python 3.4 or newer is a hard requirement now.
- The list of feeds docs/Feeds.md has now a machine-readable equivalent YAML file in intelmq/etc/feeds.yaml
A tool to convert from yaml to md has been added.
- `intelmq_gen_feeds_docs` added to bin directory, allows generating the Feeds.md documentation file from feeds.yaml
- `intelmq_gen_docs` merges both `intelmq_gen_feeds_docs` and `intelmq_gen_harm_docs` in one file and automatically updates the documentation files.
- `intelmqctl start` prints the bot's last error messages if the bot failed to start (1021).
- `intelmqctl start` message "is running" is printed every time. (Until now, it wasn't said when a bot was just starting.)
- `intelmqctl start/stop/restart/reload/status` now has a "--group" flag which allows you to specify the group of the bots that should be influenced by the command.
- `intelmqctl check` checks for defaults.conf completeness if the shipped file from the package can be found.
- `intelmqctl check` shows errors for non-importable bots.
- `intelmqctl list bots -q` only prints the IDs of enabled bots.
- `intelmqctl list queues-and-status` prints both queues and bots statuses (so that it can be used in eg. intelmq-manager).
- `intelmqctl run` parameter for showing a sent message.
- `intelmqctl run` if message is sent to a non-default path, it is printed out.
- `intelmqctl restart` bug fix; returned some half-nonsense, now returns return state of start and stop operation in a list (1226).
- `intelmqctl check`: New parameter `--no-connections` to prevent the command from making connections e.g. to the redis pipeline.s
- `intelmqctl list queues`: don't display named paths among standard queues.
- The process status test failed if the PATH did not include the bot executables and the `which` command failed. Then the proccess's command line could not be compared correctly. The fix warns of this and adds a new status 'unknown' (1297).
- tool `feeds-config-generator` to automatically generate the collector and parser runtime and pipeline configurations.
- `malware_name_mapping`: Download and convert tool for malware family name mapping has been added.
- Added a systemd script which creates systemd units for bots (953).
- `contrib/cron-jobs/update-asn-data`, `contrib/cron-jobs/update-geoip-data`, `contrib/cron-jobs/update-tor-nodes`: Errors produce proper output.
- lib/bot
- use SIGTERM instead of SIGINT to stop bots (981).
- Bots can specify a static method `check(parameters)` which can perform individual checks specific to the bot.
These functions will be called by `intelmqctl check` if the bot is configured with the given parameters
- top level bot parameters (description, group, module, name) are exposed as members of the class.
- The parameter `feed` for collectors is deprecated for 2.0 and has been replaced by the more consistent `name` (1144).
- bug: allow path parameter for CollectorBot class.
- Handle errors better when the logger could not be initialized.
- `ParserBot`:
- For the csv parsing methods, `ParserBot.csv_params` is now used for all these methods.
- `ParserBot.parse_csv_dict` now saves the field names in `ParserBot.csv_fieldnames`.
- `ParserBot.parse_csv_dict` now saves the raw current line in `ParserBot.current_line`.
- `ParserBot.recover_line_csv_dict` now uses the raw current line.
- lib/message:
- Subitems in fields of type `JSONDict` (see below) can be accessed directly. E.g. you can do:
event['extra.foo'] = 'bar'
event['extra.foo'] gives 'bar'
It is still possible to set and get the field as whole, however this may be removed or changed in the future:
event['extra'] = '{"foo": "bar"}'
event['extra'] gives '{"foo": "bar"}'
"Old" bots and configurations compatible with 1.0.x do still work.
Also, the extra field is now properly exploded when exporting events, analogous to all other fields.
The `in` operator works now for both - the old and the new - behavior.
- `Message.add`: The parameter `overwrite` accepts now three different values: `True`, `False` and `None` (new).
True: An existing value will be overwritten
False: An existing value will not be overwritten (previously an exception has been raised when the value was given).
None (default): If the value exists an `KeyExists` exception is thrown (previously the same as False).
This allows shorter code in the bots, as an 'overwrite' configuration parameter can be directly passed to the function.
- The message class has now the possibility to return a default value for non-existing fields, see `Message.set_default_value`.
- Message.get behaves the same like `Message.__getitem__` (1305).
- Add `RewindableFileHandle` to utils making handling of CSV files more easy (optionally)
- lib/pipeline:
- you may now define more than one destination queues path the bot should pass the message to, see [Pipelines](https://github.com/certtools/intelmq/blob/develop/docs/User-Guide.md#pipeline-configuration) (1088, 1190).
- the special path `"_on_error"` can be used to pass messages to different queues in case of processing errors (1133).
- `lib/harmonization`: Accept `AS` prefix for ASN values (automatically stripped).
- added `intelmq.VAR_STATE_PATH` for variable state data of bots.
- Removed print statements from various bots.
- Replaced various occurrences of `self.logger.error()` + `self.stop()` with `raise ValueError`.
- `bots.collectors.mail`:
- New parameters; `sent_from`: filter messages by sender, `sent_to`: filter messages by recipient
- More debug logs
- `bots.collectors.n6.collector_stomp`: renamed to `bots.collectors.stomp.collector` (716)
- bots.collectors.rt:
- New parameter `search_requestor` to search for field Requestor.
- Empty strings and `null` as value for search parameters are ignored.
- Empty parameters `attachment_regex` and `url_regex` handled.
- `bots.collectors.http.collector_http`: Ability to optionally use the current time in parameter `http_url`, added parameter `http_url_formatting`.
- `bots.collectors.stomp.collector`: Heartbeat timeout is now logged with log level info instead of warning.
- added `intelmq.bots.collectors.twitter.collector_twitter`
- added `intelmq.bots.collectors.tcp.collector` that can be bound to another IntelMQ instance by a TCP output
- `bots.collectors.microsoft.collector_interflow`: added for MS interflow API
- Automatic ungzipping for .gz files.
- added `intelmq.bots.collectors.calidog.collector_certstream` for collecting certstream data (1120).
- added `intelmq.bots.collectors.shodan.collector_stream` for collecting shodan stream data (1096).
- Add proxy support.
- Fix handling of parameter `countries`.
- `bots.parsers.shadowserver`:
- changed feednames. Please refer to it's README for the exact changes.
- If the conversion function fails for a line, an error is raised and the offending line will be handled according to the error handling configuration.
Previously errors like these were only logged and ignored otherwise.
- add support for the feeds
- `Accessible-Hadoop` (1231)
- `Accessible ADB` (1285)
- Remove deprecated parameter `override`, use `overwrite` instead (1071).
- The `raw` values now are exactly the input with quotes unchanged, the ParserBot methods are now used directly (1011).
- The Generic CSV Parser `bots.parsers.generic.parser_csv`:
- It is possible to filter the data before processing them using the new parameters `filter_type` and `filter_text`.
- It is possible to specify multiple columns using `|` character in parameter `columns`.
- The parameter `time_format` now supports `'epoch_millis'` for seconds since the Epoch, milliseconds are supported but not used.
- renamed `bots.parsers.cymru_full_bogons.parser` to `bots.parsers.cymru.parser_full_bogons`, compatibility shim will be removed in version 2.0
- added `bots.parsers.cymru.parser_cap_program`
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.zoneh.parser` for ZoneH feeds
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.sucuri.parser`
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.malwareurl.parser`
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.threatminer.parser`
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.webinspektor.parser`
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.twitter.parser`
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.microsoft.parser_ctip`
- ignore the invalid IP '' for the destination
- fix the raw/dumped messages, did not contain the paling list previously.
- use the new harmonization field `tlp` instead of `extra.tlp`.
- `bots.parsers.alienvault.parser_otx`: Save TLP data in the new harmonization field `tlp`.
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.openphish.parser_commercial`
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.microsoft.parser_bingmurls`
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.calidog.parser_certstream` for parsing certstream data (1120).
- added `intelmq.bots.parsers.shodan.parser` for parsing shodan data (1096).
- change the classification type from 'botnet drone' to 'infected system' in various parses.
- `intelmq.bots.parsers.spamhaus.parser_cert`: Added support for all known bot types.
- Added sieve expert for filtering and modifying events (1083)
- capable of distributing the event to appropriate named queues
- `bots.experts.modify`
- default rulesets: all malware name mappings have been migrated to the [Malware Name Mapping repository](https://github.com/certtools/malware_name_mapping) ruleset. See the new added contrib tool for download and conversion.
- new parameter `case_sensitive` (default: True)
- Added wait expert for sleeping
- Added domain suffix expert to extract the TLD/Suffix from a domain name.
- `bots.experts.maxmind_geoip`: New (optional) parameter `overwrite`, by default false. The current default was to overwrite!
- `intelmq.bots.experts.ripencc_abuse_contact`:
- Extend deprecated parameter compatibility `query_ripe_stat` until 2.0 because of a logic bug in the compatibility code, use `query_ripe_stat_asn` and `query_ripe_stat_ip` instead (1071, 1291).
- Handle HTTP status code 404 for DB AS queries.
- Add caching capability.
- `intelmq/bots/experts/asn_lookup/update-asn-data`: Errors produce proper output on stdout/stderr.
- `intelmq/bots/experts/maxmind_geoip/update-geoip-data`: Errors produce proper output on stdout/stderr.
- `intelmq/bots/experts/tor_nodes/update-tor-nodes`: Errors produce proper output on stdout/stderr.
- `bots.outputs.file`:
- String formatting can be used for file names with new parameter `format_filename`.
- New parameter `single_key` to only save one field.
- New parameter `encoding_errors_mode` with default value `'strict'` to handle encoding errors for the files written.
- Renamed `JSON` to `JSONDict` and added a new type `JSON`. `JSONDict` saves data internally as JSON, but acts like a dictionary. `JSON` accepts any valid JSON.
- fixed regex for `protocol.transport` it previously allowed more values than it should have.
- New ASN type. Like integer but checks the range.
- added `destination.urlpath` and `source.urlpath` to harmonization.
- New field `tlp` for tlp level specification.
- New TLP type. Allows all four tlp levels, removes 'TLP:' prefix and converts to upper case.
- Added new `classification.type` 'vulnerable client'
- Added `(destination|source).domain_suffix` to hold the TLD/domain suffix.
- New allowed value for `classification.type`: `infected system` for taxonomy `malicious code` (1197).
- Requests is no longer listed as dependency of the core. For depending bots the requirement is noted in their `REQUIREMENTS.txt` file.
- Use Markdown for README again, as pypi now supports it.
- Developers Guide: Add instructions for pre-release testing.
- Add logcheck configuration to the packages.
- Fix packaging of bash completion script.
- Travis now correctly stops if a requirement could not be installed (1257).
- New tests for validating `etc/feeds.yaml` and `bots/BOTS` using cerberus and schemes are added (1166).
- New test for checking if `docs/Feeds.md` is up to date with `etc/feeds.yaml`.
Known bugs
- contrib: feeds-config-generator does not add feed name as parameter (1314).
- bot debugger requires configured source pipeline (1307).
- shadowserver parser: drone feed has spam events (1271).
- debug log level on python 3.7 not applied (1269).
- `bots.experts.sieve` does not support textX (1246).
- Bots started with IntelMQ-Manager stop when the webserver is restarted (952).