
Latest version: v3.3.1

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Not secure

- more verbose installation and upgrade instructions

- `bots.collectors.alienvault_otx`: OTX library has been removed, install it as package instead

- API keys will be removed from feed.url if possible
- `intelmq.bots.parsers.shadowserver.config`:
- Added support for Compromised-Website, Open-Netis, NTP-Version, Sandbox-URL, Spam-URL, Vulnerable-ISAKMP, Botnet-CCIP, Accessible-RDP, Open-LDAP, Blacklisted-IP, Accessible-Telnet, Accessible-CWMP (748).

- added `bots.experts.field_reducer`, `bots.outputs.smtp`.
- `bots.experts.deduplicator`: `ignore_keys` has been renamed to `filter_keys` and `filter_type` has been removed.
- `bots.experts.modify`: The configuration is now list-based for a consistent ordering.
- `bots.experts.tor_node` as an optional parameter `overwrite`.

- New parameter and field named feed.documentation to link to documentation of the feed
- `classification.taxonomy` is lower case only


Not secure
General changes
- Dropped support for Python 2, Python >= 3.3 is needed
- Dropped startup.conf and system.conf. Sections in BOTS can be copied directly to runtime.conf now.
- Support two run modes: 'stream' which is the current implementation and a new one 'scheduled' which allows scheduling via cron or systemd.
- Helper classes for parser bots
- moved intelmq/conf to intelmq/etc
- cleanup in code and repository
- All bots capable of reloading on SIGHUP
- packages
- pip wheel format instead of eggs
- unittests for library and bots
- bots/BOTS now contains only generic and specific collectors. For a list of feeds, see docs/

- DEV: `intelmq_gen_harm_docs`: added to generate Harmonization documentation
- `intelmq_psql_initdb`: creates a table for a postgresql database using the harmonization fields
- intelmqctl: reworked argument parsing, many bugfixes
- intelmqdump: added to inspect dumped messages and reinsert them into the queues
- DEV: `rewrite_config_files`: added to rewrite configuration files with consistent style

- added alienvault, alienvault otx, bitsight, blueiv, file, ftp, misp, n6, rtir, xmpp collector
- removed hpfeeds collector
- removed microsoft DCU collector
- renamed and reworked URL collector to HTTP
- reworked Mail collectors

- source specific parsers added: abusech, alienvault, alienvault otx, anubisnetworks, autoshun, bambenek, bitcash, bitsight, blocklistde, blueliv, ci army, cleanmx, cymru_full_bogons, danger_rulez, dataplane, dshield (asn, block and domain), dyn, fraunhofer_dga, hphosts, malc0de, malwaredomains, misp, n6, netlab_360, nothink, openphish, proxyspy, spamhaus cert, taichung, turris, urlvir
- generic parsers added: csv, json
- specific parsers dropped: abusehelper (broken), arbor (source unavailable), bruteforceblocker, certeu, dragonresearchgroup parser (discontinued), hpfeeds, microsoft_dcu (broken), taichungcitynetflow, torexitnode parser
- renamed `intelmq.bots.parsers.spamhaus.parser` to `intelmq.bots.parsers.spamhaus.parser_drop`.
renamed `intelmq.bots.parsers.malwarepatrol.parser-dansguardian to `intelmq.bots.parsers.malwarepatrol.parser_dansguardian`
- renamed `intelmq.bots.parsers.taichungcitynetflow.parser to `intelmq.bots.parsers.taichung.parser`
- major rework of shadowserver parsers
- enhanced all parsers

- Added experts: asnlookup, contact lookup, filter, generic db lookup, gethostbyname, modify, reverse dns, rfc1918, tor_nodes, url2fqdn
- removed experts: contactdb, countrycodefilter (obsolete), sanitizer (obsolete)
- renamed `intelmq.bots.experts.abusix.abusix` to ``
`intelmq.bots.experts.asnlookup.asnlookup` to ``
`` to ``
`intelmq.bots.experts.deduplicator.deduplicator` to ``
`intelmq.bots.experts.geoip.geopip` to ``
`intelmq.bots.experts.ripencc.ripencc` to ``
`intelmq.bots.experts.taxonomy.taxonomy` to ``
- enhanced all experts
- changed configuration syntax for `intelmq.bots.experts.modify` to a more simple variant

- added: amqp, elasticsearch, redis, restapi, smtp, stomp, tcp, udp, xmpp
- removed: debug, intelmqmailer (broken), logcollector
- enhanced all outputs

Bug fixes
- FIX: all bots handle message which are None
- FIX: various encoding issues resolved in core and bots
- FIX: time.observation is generated in collectors, not in parsers

Other enhancements and changes
- TST: testing framework for core and tests. Newly introduced components should always come with proper unit tests.
- ENH: intelmqctl has shortcut parameters and can clear queues
- STY: code obeys PEP8, new code should always be properly formatted
- DOC: Updated user and dev guide
- Removed Message.contains, Message.update methods Message.add ignore parameter

- ENH: New parameter and field named accuracy to represent the accuracy of each feed
- Consistent naming "overwrite" to switch overwriting capabilities of bots (as opposed to override)
- Renamed `http_ssl_proxy` to `https_proxy`
- parameter `hierarchical_output` for many output bots
- deduplicator bot has a new required parameter to configure deduplication mode `filter_type`
- deduplicator bot key ignore_keys was renamed to filter_keys
- The tor_nodes expert has a new parameter `overwrite`, which is by default `false`.

- ENH: Additional data types: integer, float and Boolean
- ENH: Added descriptions and matching types to all fields
- DOC: harmonization documentation has same fields as configuration, docs are generated from configuration
- BUG: FQDNs are only allowed in IDN representation
- ENH: Removed UUID Type (duplicate of String)
- ENH: New type LowercaseString and UppercaseString, doing automatic conversion
- ENH: Removed UUID Type (duplicate of String)
- ENH: FQDNs are converted to lowercase
- ENH: regex, iregex and length checks when data is added to messages

Most important changes:
- `(source|destination).bgp_prefix` is now `(source|destination).network`
- `(source|destination).cc` is now `(source|destination)`
- `(source|destination).reverse_domain_name` is `(source|destination).reverse_dns`
- `(source|destination).abuse_contact` is lower case only
- `misp_id` changed to `misp.event_uuid`
- `protocol.transport` added, a fixed list of values is allowed
- `protocol.application` is lower case only
- `webshot_url` is now `screenshot_url`
- `additional_information` renamed to `extra`, must be JSON
- ``, `os.version`, `user_agent` removed in favor of `extra`
- all hashes are lower case only
- added `malware.hash.(md5|sha1|sha256)`, removed `malware.hash`
- New parameter and field named feed.accuracy to represent the accuracy of each feed
- New parameter and field named feed.provider to document the name of the source of each feed
- New field `classification.identifier`
-`classification.taxonomy` is now lower case only

Known issues
- Harmonization: hashes are not normalized and classified, see also issue 394 and pull 634

- ansible and vagrant scripts added
- bash-completion for shells add
- cron job scripts to update lookup data added
- logcheck example rules added
- logrotate configuration added


* improvements in pipeline:
- PipelineFactory to give possibility to easily add a new broker (Redis, ZMQ, etc..)
- Splitter feature: if this option is enable, will split the events in source queue to multiple destination queues
* add different messages support:
- the system is flexible to define a new type of message like 'tweet' without change anything in, Just need to add a new class in and harmonization.conf
* add harmonization support
- in harmonization.conf is possible to define the fields of a specific message in json format.
- the has data types witch contains sanitize and validation methods that will make sure that the values are correct to be part of an event.
* Error Handling
- multiple parameters in configuration which gives possibility to define how bot will handle some errors. Example of parameters:
- `error_procedure` - retry or pass in case of error
- `error_retry_delay` - time in seconds to retry
- `error_max_retries` - number of retries
- `error_log_message` - log or not the message in error log
- `error_log_exception` - log or not the exception in error log
- `error_dump_message` - log or not the message in dump log to be fixed and re-insert in pipeline
* Exceptions
- custom exceptions for IntelMQ
* Defaults configurations
- new configuration file to specify the default parameters which will be applied to all bots. Bots can overwrite the configurations.
* New bots/feeds

2015/06/03 (aaron)

* fixed the license to AGPL in
* moved back the documentation from the wiki repo to `docs/`. See 205.
* added python-zmq as a setup requirement in UserGuide . See 206


Not secure

Syntax of runtime.conf has changed

Postgres databases
ADD COLUMN "misp.attribute_uuid" varchar(36),
ADD COLUMN "malware.hash.sha256" text,
ALTER COLUMN "misp.event_uuid" SET DATA TYPE varchar(36);

ALTER TABLE events RENAME COLUMN "misp_uuid" TO "misp.event_uuid";

UPDATE events
SET "protocol.application" = lower("protocol.application")
WHERE "protocol.application" IS NOT NULL;
UPDATE events
SET "source.abuse_contact" = lower("source.abuse_contact")
WHERE "source.abuse_contact" IS NOT NULL;
UPDATE events
SET "destination.abuse_contact" = lower("destination.abuse_contact")
WHERE "destination.abuse_contact" IS NOT NULL;
UPDATE events
SET "event_hash" = lower("event_hash")
WHERE "event_hash" IS NOT NULL;
UPDATE events
SET "malware.hash.md5" = lower("malware.hash.md5");
UPDATE events
SET "malware.hash.sha1" = lower("malware.hash.sha1");
UPDATE events
SET "malware.hash.sha256" = lower("malware.hash.sha256");
UPDATE events
SET "malware.hash.md5" = lower(substring("malware.hash" from 4))
WHERE substring("malware.hash" from 1 for 3) = '$1$';
UPDATE events
SET "malware.hash.sha1" = lower(substring("malware.hash" from 7))
WHERE substring("malware.hash" from 1 for 6) = '$sha1$';
UPDATE events
SET "malware.hash.sha256" = lower(substring("malware.hash" from 4))
WHERE substring("malware.hash" from 1 for 3) = '$5$';
UPDATE events
SET "malware.hash.md5" = lower("malware.hash.md5")
WHERE "malware.hash.md5" IS NOT NULL;
UPDATE events
SET "malware.hash.sha1" = lower("malware.hash.sha1")
WHERE "malware.hash.sha1" IS NOT NULL;



Postgres databases

ADD COLUMN "classification.identifier" text,
ADD COLUMN "feed.accuracy" text,
ADD COLUMN "feed.code" text,
ADD COLUMN "malware.hash.md5" text,
ADD COLUMN "malware.hash.sha1" text,
ADD COLUMN "protocol.transport" text,
RENAME COLUMN "additional_information" TO "extra",
RENAME COLUMN "description.text" TO "event_description.text",
RENAME COLUMN "destination.bgp_prefix" TO "" text,
RENAME COLUMN "" TO "" text,
RENAME COLUMN "destination.email_address" TO "destination.account" text,
RENAME COLUMN "destination.reverse_domain_name" TO "destination.reverse_dns" text,
RENAME COLUMN "misp_id" TO "misp_uuid",
RENAME COLUMN "source.bgp_prefix" TO "" text,
RENAME COLUMN "" TO "" text,
RENAME COLUMN "source.email_address" TO "source.account" text,
RENAME COLUMN "source.reverse_domain_name" TO "source.reverse_dns" text,
RENAME COLUMN "webshot_url" TO "screenshot_url" text;

UPDATE events
SET "extra"=json_build_object('', "", 'os.version', "os.version", 'user_agent', "user_agent")
WHERE "" IS NOT NULL AND "os.version" IS NOT NULL AND "user_agent" IS NOT NULL AND "extra" IS NULL;

DROP COLUMN "os.version",
DROP COLUMN "user_agent",
DROP COLUMN "malware.hash";

<!-- comment
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2024 Sebastian Wagner
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later


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