CDSware News: CDSware v0.1.0 released
December 4, 2003
CDSware v0.1.0 was released on December 4th, 2003.
What's new:
* development branch release
* search engine redesign to yield five times more search performance
for larger sites (WebSearch, BibWords)
* fulltext indexation of PDF, PostScript, MS Word, MS PowerPoint and
MS Excel files (WebSearch)
* integrated combined metadata/fulltext/citation search (WebSearch)
* multi-stage search guidance in cases of no exact match (WebSearch)
* OAI-PMH harvestor (BibHarvest)
* bibliographic task scheduler (BibSched)
* automatic daemon mode of the indexer, the formatter and the
collection cache generator (BibWords, BibFormat, WebSearch)
* user management and session handling rewrite (WebSession)
* user personalization, document baskets and notification alert
system (WebBasket, WebAlert)
* role-based access control engine (WebAccess)
* internationalization of the interface started (currently with
Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese,
Russian, and Slovak support)
* web page design update (WebStyle)
* introduction of programmer-oriented technical documentation corner
* source tree reorganization, mod_python technology adopted for most
of the modules
This is a development branch release. It is not meant to replace
CDSware 0.0.9. Users of 0.0.9 are advised to wait for the next
stable release. Users of 0.0.9+ are advised to upgrade to 0.1.0.
As of this release we are adopting the classical stable/development
branch version numbering scheme spread in the GNU/Linux world and
elsewhere, with even minor versions denoting stable branch releases
and odd minor versions denoting development releases. For more
details, see <http://cdsware.cern.ch:8000/hacking/releases.html>.
Known problems:
WebSubmit is not working properly yet. Several admin-level
functionality of 0.0.9 is missing in 0.1.0 yet. The task scheduler
and RBAC authentication engines are functional but not yet called
by all the clients. These issues will be subsequently dealt with
in the next releases of the 0.1.x development branch.
What's next:
Fixing known problems described above. Stabilizing the 0.1.x tree.
Continuing with the internationalization of the interface.
Introducing BibIndex for better phrase indexing and browsing.